  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Intrepid,

I checked with the team here at HQ about the flights and they confirmed that we fly to Milan first.

We're experiencing an issue with our website at the mo as it's not displaying that we fly to Milan and then on to Pantelleria - we're working to get that fixed ASAP 🙂



penny carter
Dear all at 'Just You.' I just wanted to say how wonderful the new brochure is with lots of great holidays! I'm also pleased to see improvements on existing trips. Thanks also for getting the brochure out in September. This is so helpful for those, like myself, whose work dictates when we can book our holidays and have to book early. Off to Dubai with you in February. Can't wait !  😃
Hi Vickie,

Great new brochure ! Who needs tv when you’ve got all those holidays to look through ?

I’m signed up for my first JY trip to South Africa in October and can’t wait.

I’ve already short listed NZ, Borneo, USA & Canada as possible ‘next trips’, but having read through the latest ‘tome’ NZ has been replaced as favourite by the new Canada east to west with RM epic.

I see the 3 trips (May, June, September) are different prices. Is that purely down to likely weather conditions or is there something else factored in ? Also, at this stage do you know the maximum number of places likely to be available on this trip ? I’d like to get SA over with before committing, but also wouldn’t want to potentially miss out.



Hi, I just booked global explorer, journey of a lifetime,departing on the 26/09/2019. I would love to hear from fellow travellers please. thank you


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Roger,

So glad to hear you're enjoying the new brochure! 🙂

Yes, the price differences are simply down to the related costs differing slightly depending on the time of year, which we then need to reflect in the price of our tours.

The maximum group size at the moment is 25, however this can sometimes increase if a particular date is popular, so I can't guarantee the group size.



  • (Member)
I want to do do Jordan again, sounds a wonderful trip. I went with JY in 2010 to Jordan, Sinai and Cairo, a brilliant first time holiday. The idea of star gazing in Wadi Rum is amazing and to see Petra in candlelight is wow :heart: 

Yes to the Maharajah trip when I win the lottery and yes to Canada from East to West. Love to know about the new American trip.


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sarah,

I'm afraid the free visas are only included on new bookings, as this is a brand new offer.



It’s dispointing to be penalised for booking a 2019 departure early.