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Hello everyone, 

I thought I start a new thread to ask, what do you take on your holiday that you find it most useful, no matter where you go?

I don’t mean the usual things like medicines, book, devices etc. but one item that you must pack to make your life easier away from home. 

I take an extension lead to charge my iPhone, iPad, and Fitbit HR at the same time. When I went to Australia - my first JY tour, I found there wasn’t enough time to charge three items individually using the same one adapter. You could charge any item through the night, but I prefer not to while I sleep if I am not at home. So the only solution for me was to take an extension lead to charge all three devices in one go. It makes my life easier as I know the devices will be charged and ready for me to use. I use Fitbit tracker to wake me up in the morning, and to remind me when to leave etc. I now take a small power pack and that needs charging too if I use it. 

So what is your ‘must pack’ item? 


Great idea Dyuti! 😃
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Great idea Dyuti! :D

Thanks, Vickie.


For trips involving multiple hotels, packing cubes are a must for me - they make "living out of a suitcase" so much easier.
I have a small battery travel alarm clock. Rather than risk being late for meeting up I'd use that as well as phone or ipad timed alarms.
intrepid traveller
My decaf tea bags and decaf coffee sachets.  Amazing the number of hotels that do not supply decaf. I drink decaf for medical reasons so it’s important to me.
intrepid traveller
'intrepid traveller' wrote:

My decaf tea bags and decaf coffee sachets.  Amazing the number of hotels that do not supply decaf. I drink decaf for medical reasons so it’s important to me.

PS,  just remembered that once we were awoken in the night by the fire alarm, lighting a bit inadequate so now I pack a tiny torch and keep it in the bedside cabinet. It’s only happened once so very unlikely to happen again but..........

A travel hot water bottle! Essential for colder climes or cold rooms with air conditioning overkill! I never travel without a mini hot water bottle- and I’ve met several tour managers over the years that  do the same! Buy them on amazon for a few £!
An extension lead is a really good idea, thanks Dyuti! *scurries off to add one into suitcase* I only have one adaptor, so usually end up 'queuing' the items. Your idea will save time & effort!

My essential item is a 2-in-1 memory foam travel pillow: a U-shaped neck pillow that opens up to a rectangular pillow. I use the neck pillow for flights/ coach trips and open it up for sleeping at night, if the hotel cannot swap the standard puffy pillow for a firm one.