Jenny P
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I know this is blindingly obvious, but I hadn't thought of it. Put JY's emergency number into your phone. One of our party went to the wrong exit and thought the coach had left without her, she phoned JY in England, they immediately phoned the tour guide - reunion!


  • (Member)
A good point and worth mentioning Jenny - I have had it in my phone for a number of years and thankfully haven't had to use it - yet!! The only problem is that in some far flung countries some of our mobiles won't work - Namibia being a case in point. It depends on your network and the roaming arrangement in place.

All the best,


I've had the emergency number in my phone since my very first JY holiday. Never needed to use it yet but murch better safe than sorry!
  • (Member)
My phone rarely works abroad, but I do have the number written down, so I would just have to find a phone?


I use a quad band phone on Tesco,pay and go tariff. It's worked everywhere I've been so far, including China and Cuba. My family like to know I am OK!
  • (Member)
Jackie gave us her mobile number just in case whilst we were in Lille and Bruges. Used by 2 of the ladies who became lost in Bruges on Sunday afternoon despite having a map :)


I hadn't been given a tour manager's mobile number until my last two tours earlier this year. I hope this is a new JY policy. Reassurance for travellers, and if anyone does get lost, they can be located much faster, resulting in less inconvenience and hanging around for the rest of the group.
  • (Member)
Hi Jan

I have no sense of direction and can't read a map so am very likely to get lost!!
