  • (Member)
'IanWight' wrote:


This is the Government site. My visa came through (as an e mail) within 24 hours.

There are also several threads on here about uploading your photo (which when I did it needed to be a specific size as a jpeg) & your passport (as a pdf file)


Hi Ian,

I have gone on to this website but it appears to be for the old full visa rather than an e-visa as it mentions "Mission" i.e. London, Edinburgh, Manchester, and seems to require an enormous amount of information - I have no idea what the address of the hotel was the last time I was in India! I think the e-visa is the same website, but I can't apply for it until I'm within 30 days of flying to India as it rejected my arrival date. I'll just have to wait until nearer the time. Thanks for your help anyway.



Angela Bingham
'Angela Bingham' wrote:

'Princi' wrote:

'TimH' wrote:

'Princi' wrote:

'TimH' wrote:

e-visa worked fine, just make sure you look our for the e-visa sign at immigration, its at a different counter, we all queued at the wrong counter first

Thank you Tim That is very useful info.



Hope you have a wonderful time, I think I can say that on the tour I went on we all had a great time. On the retail opportunities (carpets, jewellery, marble and silk) there's some really nice stuff on offer but it's not cheap, so if you think you might be tempted make sure you have a way to pay as there's not an option to order online when you get back home.


Ooh good tip Tim - Jewellery is what draws my eye- But also silk- I'm thinking I might have to buy a larger suitcase for this trip-I only have a small one.....

You will be taken to an emporium that sells carpets ornaments marble and the most wonderful jewellery ! The gold jewellery is expensive but I like silver and bought two lovely rings there. If you are tempted by the marble topped tables they will ship them for you, mine arrived about 6 weeks after I got home, very good service.

I loved this holiday and I am sure you will too.


Just a further thought, when in The tiger place there is a little shop who will make a copy of any favourite garment you have. They are very quick but as you are only there a couple of days get in quickly ! I didn't use them so cannot vouch for the quality. They also sell lovely scarves etc have a great holiday x


Hi Hils,

If you go to e-TOURIST VISA (eTV) [img=40x20]https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/images/small_flag.png[/img] on the menu on the left of the page that takes you to the relevant page for an e visa application.

It is a bit of a performance but as I recall I filled in the box re previous countries visited & then rejected most of it as I had exceeded 100 characters. It still worked though.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

Re doing the e-visa online - if you have been to India before (as I have) you have to put your old visa number in the form and when it was issued - top tip, keep all your old passports! It took me 7hrs to complete this form, mainly taken up by a)looking for old passport and b)reducing the file size of the pdf of my passport page. When finally completed, it was then impossible to pay the fee!! Having looked online, this appears to be a common problem and one poor person actually cancelled their trip to India (not JY obviously) because they physically were unable to get the payment through, and they had even phoned the helpline in India!

So, if in doubt and to avoid all stress - let JY do your e-visa, even if it does cost more!

Just waiting for JY to email me the new e-visa application form!



  • (Member)
Hi Hils

So sorry to hear about your problems in getting an E-Visa for India. I keep all my old passports so was able to get the visa number. I only had a slight problem with the size of the photo and the rest was easy. Initially I filled in a Visa Application Form and also made an appointment at one of the Agents in London, but then cancelled when E-Visa was offered. I did not remember the name of the hotel(s) we stayed in as it was in 1994, so I just put 'various hotels' and this was okay. Joys of travel!

Kind regards


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