at 6 ft 5 I'm prepared to put up with a little hassle re the toilet / standing area for the benefit of stretching out rather than needing a spanner to get myself out of a "normal" row after a long flight
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at 4 ft 11 I didn't want to annoy people by asking them to get my bag down for me :(( I couldn't check in online as group booking
  • (Member)
'nige0556' wrote:

at 6 ft 5 I'm prepared to put up with a little hassle re the toilet / standing area for the benefit of stretching out rather than needing a spanner to get myself out of a "normal" row after a long flight

My son is 6ft 9 and a 1/2 inches tall, you can imagine the trouble he has on a package deal flight, husband is 6ft 4 and other son 6ft 6 great fun if we all go together



  • (Member)
'wanny' wrote:

at 4 ft 11 I didn't want to annoy people by asking them to get my bag down for me :(( I couldn't check in online as group booking

Wanny you at 4ft 11 and son at 6ft 9 and a 1/2 that's quite a difference

I'm flying out from the UK to Japan this may.

What should I do about checkin?

Do we all meet up in the airport and then check in together, or do we do everything separately, and then meet up at the airport in Japan for our couch to the hotel?

  • (Member)
'PerfectBlue97' wrote:

I'm flying out from the UK to Japan this may.

What should I do about checkin?

Do we all meet up in the airport and then check in together, or do we do everything separately, and then meet up at the airport in Japan for our couch to the hotel?


I have not done this tour, but I have been on 11 tours, normally you check in separately, sometimes you might have use of a executive Lounge if so then you will meet up with others On the tour there, if not it might not be till you land that the group starts to meet up..put your JY labels on hand luggage and that way people might spot you and introduce themselves or you can look and do the same to them. I spent a whole 9 hour flight sitting next to someone not knowing he was on the tour till he got his hand luggage out of the over head bin...

Have a great holiday



I've done 4 JY holidays and used both Heathrow and Gatwick for them. Each time I've met up with quite a few people at the airport. The JY travel label seems to work like a magnet!

On my holiday to SA & Zambia I met three other ladies in the lounge at HR and we have become firm friends still meeting up regularly in London for a meal, drinks and memories. In fact I'll be seeing them on Saturday :thumbup:

Hope you have a great holiday.

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hey susieB hope you are ok! long time no see. check in to go to America was scary the amount of questions they had asked.. and that was just from the machine... ah the memories...
Hi Wanny

Good to hear from you. Was wondering about you as I hadn't seen many of your posts for some time. Hope all is OK with you. New York was good wasn't it and we managed to do quite a lot. Cocktails at top of the One World building an especially good memory :P

Best wishes Sue

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