  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya and Matt,

JY certainly have the best range of holidays for single travellers by a long way.  Until two years ago, I would have said they were really good value for money and I was a very, very loyal customer.  However, after our problematic tour to Mexico, the poor response from customer care, numerous price hikes and now, the cutting of meals and excursions from some tours, I feel that they are no longer my automatic first choice.  Like you, I am shopping around.  I know from chatting to my many JY friends that they are all feeling the same.

All the best,


  • (Member)
Thanks Matt for your response. I do understand some people are looking for more free time. I personally do not want a lot of free time - obviously some free time is good. Azores is on my list and hopefully when I get around to doing it, there will be more excursions on offer.



Phil S
This was my first trip as a singles holiday and was somewhat apprehensive at the start of this new adventure.  Not only was the holiday enjoyable but also the company was friendly and welcoming.  I concur with Bob's assessment of the holiday.  I have now booked 2 more JY holidays.

Phil :cool:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Phil,

It was great to meet you and I'm very glad to hear you've booked another couple of JY tours!  I've bought a Tilley hat and have ordered some of those neck ties....thanks for the tips!

Happy travelling,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Just being curious or just plain nosey but what is a Tilley hat?!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

I've seen a few people wearing them on JY hols, so I thought I'd invest in one myself even though I look terrible in hats!  I need a decent one to keep the sun off my thinning hair(!) and they are meant to be very good....lightweight and breathable.  Have a look for yourself:

All the best,


  • (Member)
Thanks Bob. I will have a look to see if they are also suitable for ladies. I do not have as much hair as I used to before my cancer treatment and I usually protect my scalp with scarves as I find that a hat, even though it keeps the sun off the head, makes your hair 'sweaty'!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

Hils and some other ladies I know have one - Sally has just bought one too!  They do a range of styles...I got an airflo one which helps to keep your head cool.  I'm past caring how I look!!

Hope all is well with you....a month till my next holiday yippee!!



  • (Member)
I had a quick look and liked the look of an airflo one. I too am past caring what I look like as long as it keeps the sun off my head and face. I am looking forward to Burma in November and am counting the days. Where is your next holiday to?



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

I'm off to the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia) and stopping off in Kiev on the way back. A bit off the tourist radar, should be exciting!

All the best, 


  • (Member)
Have a wonderful time. This is certainly an adventure. Do tell me all about the trip when you return.



Marion F
'Hi wrote:

Hi everyone!

A short(ish) review which really won't do this incredible destination justice!  Sao Miguel is the main island of the Azores and is called the Green Island for a very good reason - you really have to see the scenery for yourself to truly appreciate it.  It is truly stunning, so many deep shades of green and we were lucky, the hydrangeas were just coming into bloom when we were there.  They are scattered throughout the island, on every road and hedgerow, along with many other colourful flowers, shrubs and trees.  We saw green and blue lakes, waterfalls, rugged coastlines and at one point, we could see the whole width of the island - both coasts in the one view!  It was stupendous, a joy to see and to photograph and I am very glad I went.

We had a half day whale watching excursion as an optional and almost everyone in our group of 20 went - we were rewarded with two sightings of a sperm whale and pods of dolphins, who performed wonderfully for us, jumping out of the water and following alongside the boat.  A magical experience and I am very happy to have finally seen a whale!

The food was very good throughout the tour and this year it is half board (the number of included dinners next year is being reduced) - we ate in the hotel every night and it was generally excellent, with plenty of choice.  I am afraid to get on the scales!!  The hotel, the Marina Atlantico, is very good, with comfortable beds, a great shower and nice balconies overlooking the marina (if you upgrade to a sea view).  There is a public outdoor pool opposite the hotel (and an ATM).  There are places to eat around a ten minute walk along the seafront and the hotel is around 10 minutes from the centre.

My only criticism of this great tour is that there is too much free time.  If you do the optional whale watching tour (and you'd be mad not to!), there are still three half days and a full day free.  There is not much to do around Ponta Delgada (the capital) - we did the toy train of the gardens in the city one day and it was really lovely.  We were going to do a different tour on the toy train on our last day, but it was cancelled.  We asked our wonderful tour manager, Filomena Lima, for some help and she very kindly organised two optional excursions on our free day - a half day visit to a pottery workshop (very interesting) and even better, a trip to see Lagoa do Fogo, which is the most picturesque lake on the island (utterly stunning!  Why isn't this included in the itinerary?!).  For the afternoon, she organised a trip on the Big Truck, which took us back to Sete Cidades, where you can view the twin green and blue lakes - the difference being that the truck can take you along the ridge of the caldera for a much closer and different perspective of the lakes.  Just over half of the group did the two extra tours and we declared it to be the best day of the holiday!  The only other way the tour could be improved is to take a day trip to one of the other islands - there are several ferry and flight options I understand and this could be offered as an optional excursion, I feel.  We are most grateful to Filomena, who went above and beyond to ensure that we all had a wonderful time on our tour.  She is an excellent tour manager, one of the best that I have had.  The local guide, Emma, was not very inspiring I'm afraid.

I strongly recommend this tour to a unique destination - it is presently only attracting small numbers of tourists, so go soon before it becomes commercialised.  I loved the traditional Portuguese architecture and food.  And flying Ryanair was not a problem!  All in all, a lovely week, not too hectic and I greatly enjoyed the company of some familiar faces.  Do go!

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Marion,

I'd prefer seat rotation at dinner to it being forced on us on the coach any day!  I was fuming on one particular JY tour when the TM was insistent that we use it.  Despite me telling her I can't sit at the back, due to motion sickness, she still put me there.  Thankfully all the other TMs haven't done so.  I'm open to the rotation at dinner idea - at least if a particular member of the group has latched onto you (which happened on a recent tour I was on), you won't be stuck with them at dinner!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

The number system at dinner didn't work on the holiday I had with a company that does this because no sooner had the TM put the numbers out than a couple of the group went in and moved them around to suit there particular clique!

  • (Member)
I have always had a problem with seat rotation on the coach, so personally I will not do it. Luckily not to many TM have pushed the issue.

I would not like seat rotation or a number systems for meals either...


Seat rotation is always going to be a contentious issue. The problem starts with one or two selfish passengers who insist on behaving like children and demanding special treatment at the expense of others. I have been on several JY tours where large groups travelling together save seats on coaches and at dinner. It’s not uncommon to find one person has commandeered a whole table for their particular gang. It’s this selfish and childish behaviour that forces operators to treat everyone like children.
Marion F
Bob, it's not seat rotation, it's a so-called random number system.  In my experience the numbers are often not shuffled very well and you may end up sitting with the same person on consecutive evenings.  I'm sure that, like most of us, you find out very early on in the holiday that you get on better with some people than others, and in fact may want to actively avoid someone for whatever reason. It can therefore lead to an unenjoyable evening if you are forced to sit next to someone who you don't particularly get on with, especially if this is for the entire evening when there is after dinner entertainment.  If the group is split into small numbers of people on several tables this can make matters even worse.  I have had a few unhappy experiences with this numbering system.   And I'm very sorry Jonah, but my most recent holiday with this company led to me being a 'secret swapper'!   Not to set up a clique, but to sit with someone who I got on well with and was having a fun time with.   You are on holiday, so why should you have to endure a forced seating plan?  I have always found that the seating at dinner with JY works out well, if there are 30 people then there are 30 seats so no one will be left out.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

This thread has gone off on rather a tangent!!  As the old saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time!  I am prepared to go along with the seat allocation at dinner and see how it goes.  I object to being told where to sit on the coach however.  I like to sit reasonably near the front, but I never sit on the front seat!  Personally, I prefer when possible to have a double seat to myself especially when I have my big camera with me.  Also I like to look out the window at the passing scenery, rather than making conversation with the person sat next to me, but that is just me!

In reference to the other single traveller company that has been alluded to, I now have two tours booked with them, one for later this year and another for next year.  What appeals to me about them is that they are offering some destinations not offered by JY, all meals and excursions are included and they are staying in (what appear to be) top quality hotels - all for a price that I consider to be reasonable, given all that is included.  A JY travel buddy told me yesterday that for her New Zealand tour she had to budget an extra £2500 for non-included meals and optional excursions.  This makes you realise how expensive some tours end up being.

Just to get back to the subject matter of the thread, I'm just wondering if any of the JY team have anything to report on feedback on this great trip being implemented i.e. organising additional excursions (whether included or optional) to fill in the free time?  If JY really want to give customers the best experience of staying on Sao Miguel, they really should look into this and make some changes.

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Marion

Don't apologise.  I thought it was hilarious that the system was open to tampering but I hate seat rotation in any shape or form whatever it is called.

Just looking at the differing responses you can understand why there is no perfect one fit's all solution. I don't think it is selfish to want to sit with with your new friends or save a seat for them on the coach. Some people like to chat and some like to be quite and things usually work themselves out. It's one of the reasons why most of us travel with a group - we want to share our experiences with like-minded people so with a large group, there will always be pockets of people who get on better with each other. Whilst I personally hate to be forced into seat rotation of any kind, I know that it is often needed on a coach to allow everyone the chance to have a window seat or to sit at the front.