  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Katy,

Don't worry about the altitude - it wasn't a serious problem at all.  Put it this way - we were all able to enjoy the excellent facilities at the wonderful hotel Explora (it is all inclusive and served fine dining meals with delicious wine and we were able to fully take advantage of this, despite the altitude!).  Patrick kept a close eye on us all - most of us felt a bit groggy at times (bit of a headache, feeling a bit dizzy etc.) but those feelings pass quickly.  We were only at 14,000ft for short periods of time, before going back lower so it is highly unlikely that anyone would suffer seriously.  For example, no one needed oxygen or was taken ill etc. so I really wouldn't let that put you off - I was a bit concerned beforehand but now I'm planning to go to Peru in 2019 and would love to visit Bolivia as well!  

All the best,


  • (Member)
A brilliant review Bob. Love your photos on Facebook x


So glad you enjoyed the trip Bob and fellow travellers.  There have been some tweaks to the itinerary which made it slightly different to our October departure.  Its good to know that this can be done to maximise the experience of each group.  It demonstrates the quality and expertise of JY tour managers.  I think this trip is very near the top of my favourites list and although it seems expensive initially it isn't when the distances, flights and remoteness of Easter Island are taken into account.  Definitely worth every penny.  If anyone out there is thinking of doing this trip I'd say do it whilst you have the chance.


  • (Member)
Welcome back Bob. Fantastic review - am feeling a bit jealous. This is definitely on my list though not sure when I can fit it in. I can't do March next year as it would not be fair on my guys who I support at work since I am away for a month in January. I have got Burma booked for November next year and have also booked Galapagos for March 2019 and am thinking of getting Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos out of the way in October/November 2019. I am wondering if this tour will be on offer in 2020 because if it is then I will definitely book it for then even though I am planning New Zealand in 2020. I am willing to go bankrupt!

Just one tiny question - would vegetarians be okay on this Tour?



another wonderful review Bob.

just wondering if this holiday goes to any of the Welsh speaking parts of Patagonia

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Liz,

Lovely to hear from you!  Yes Patrick made a few changes to the original itinerary, after discussion with the group and they were all for the better.  He knows the country so well, that his expertise shone through every day and made all the difference.  His ability to speak Spanish fluently was also a huge bonus (he also speaks French, German, Italian, Quechua(!) and some Turkish - very impressive in anyone's books!).  I hope that JY will encourage him to design/fine tune more tours for them as he really knows his stuff.

I hope our paths cross again on a JY tour before too long!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

There were two vegetarians on this tour and two who didn't eat fish and I think they got on fairly well.  Patrick worked hard at each included meal to ensure that they had been catered for.  However, I think the airline messed up on the meals for them.  I can't remember if you eat fish - if you do, you are in for a treat on this tour!  Lots of fabulous seafood meals!

All the best,


PS Do your very best to fit this tour in - I know you won't regret it!

'pat534' wrote:

another wonderful review Bob.

just wondering if this holiday goes to any of the Welsh speaking parts of Patagonia

Good Afternoon Pat534,

I have checked the itinerary and I don't believe that we visit any of the Welsh speaking parts of Patagonia.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Pat - I could be wrong but I think the Welsh speaking parts of Patagonia are on the Argentinian side.  We were very near the Argentinian border at one point (and the Bolivian as well).  You should add this tour to your list and do it as soon as possible!  



'Taffy' wrote:

'AbbaDave' wrote:

Hi Bob

Thank you for your excellent review,  although I didn't do Easter Island This was the best Tour I have ever done,  it had absolutely everything,  the scenery was stunning pretty much everywhere and those winds were incredible, I agree also that Patrick was a truly fantastic Tour Manager and so we were so lucky to have him,  I really don't know where he gets the energy, Tireless enthusiasm and such good spirits and operational skills from, I cannot recommend him highly enough,  our group were also a very well gelled part of the tour,  each hotel we stayed in were absolutely fine,  luckily we didn't get much rain but you do need to be prepared for it, those worried about the sea trip out to Magdalena wasn't too bad as they have a new catamaran now though you do have to transfer 4 at a time into a rubber dinghy for the final transfer to the island

This was a Tour that I thoroughly enjoyed which has now gone to the Top of my list of places visited




You may not have done Rapa Nui in person, but trust me you were there in spirit. 

Sweet Caroline..... 

Hey Jude!!!! you could have been a big hit had you not had your early night and opted for this old beetles classic....funny enough I was in Liverpool watching a Jam concert this week and guess what the live singer was singing in the Cavern Club,  yes Sweet Caroline......

'Moley' wrote:

Hi flightbuddy Bob

Absolutely spot-on review of this fantastic holiday. Thanks to Patrick, you and everyone on the tour for your company and laughs. I felt so privileged to be able to have experienced this holiday.


Hi Mo

Thanks for your company and everyone else on the tour I felt privileged to be part of this wonderful tour

all the best

Dave ( my penguin hat is still in good fettle )


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I will say "wow", too, for a brilliant comprehensive review for this fantastic holiday. Thank you for taking the

time to write to such lengths.

I was very pleased to hear that you all enjoyed this holiday especially as I am going in February. Can't say that I am overly enthusiastic about the catamaran trip to Magdalena Island plus the transfer to the island by dinghy,

after hearing about it from a fellow community member. But do it, I will!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di,

I'm sure you will have a fantastic time in February, especially with Yvette as your TM.  Don't worry about the trip to Magdalena Island - take stugeron or something similar for motion sickness and wear some sea bands and I'm sure you will be fine.  The crew were very careful and gave us brilliant assistance into and out of the dinghies.  When you see all the comical penguins on the island, it will be worth it!  Keep an eye out for my little friend who couldn't find his burrow!

All the best,


PS Usually the holiday afterglow has disappeared by the time I've returned to work, but this time I still find myself randomly smiling to myself as I remember various aspects of the tour - much better than therapy!!

  • (Member)
Hello there Bob

Thank you very much for the reassurance about Magdalena Island.

Pleased to hear,too, that you still have the "after glow" from this fantastic tour.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Bob and all the Rapa Nui Crew!

I loved your reviews and am so glad you all enjoyed my 2nd favourite island 😉 I have to admit - you made me quite jealous with your befuddled penguins and horse yoga - sounds like a new JY optional excursion waiting to happen!!

Glad also that you all enjoyed my little surprise while watching the waves on the terrace at the Iorana. James Grant-Peterkin (a.k.a author of Hils's book and my "wine elf"...) sends his best wishes and apologies that he didn't get a chance to meet you all in person but he's thrilled that you had such a great time.

I also agree with AbbaDave - Rapa Nui has a fine selection of fridge magnets but is slightly lacking in penguins. However, the moai more than make up for that and I'm so pleased that you got to see a beautiful sunrise over Tongariki (often weather affected). Did you go to Ahu Tehai to see the sunset as well? I was amused by your tale of the airport strike - the locals like a bit of a protest about something or other every now and again but they usually make a party of it!

Glad to hear that you are still bathing in the afterglow (although, by the sounds of it, that could be severe wind burn....!) but I'm sure you've already got your 2018 trips on the drawing board. As for me - I'll be landing at Mataveri three weeks today :D

Happy Christmas and all the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mandy,

Thanks for your comments - and more importantly, thanks once again for the wine!  It didn't last very long as we watched another stunning sunset at the hotel.  We didn't go to the other place - why would we when we had the most stunning location on our doorstep?!  The sunrise at Tongariki was a slow burner but worth it in the end - thanks to Roger we got lovely shots of the moai and the sunrise with a small lake in the foreground.  Almost two weeks home and I looked over my photos again last night, so much to reflect upon and to be thankful for.  I'm old fashioned and print out my favourite shots and put them in an album.  Much better than clicking on the laptop screen!

Have a great Christmas and a wonderful return trip to Rapa Nui.  I'm fully booked for holidays next year (one with JY) and even have one tour booked for 2019 already!



  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Thanks for the reassurance about vegetarian meals. I do eat fish now and then as long as it is a fillet and not served whole with eyes and bones! I really really want to do this trip and hope I can do it in 2020 - hoping to fit New Zealand and this trip then (if I have not already gone bankrupt!).



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

You will be absolutely fine then so - we had many delicious fish and seafood meals (other options were available for vegetarians and non-fish eaters).  And the fish were filleted, so no worries there.  You should really book this sooner rather than later, in case it is (to use that dreaded phrase!) rested....however as far as I can see it's booking well for next year, so hopefully it will be around for a good while to come.



  • (Member)
I will definitely book this for 2020 as soon as the dates are available. Just hope the price does not go up even more. I have decided to do New Zealand and this trip in 2020 as next year and 2019 are all planned and booked. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Here's to happy travels in 2018.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Excellent! And the very same to you Jaya.

All the best,
