  • (Member)
Sounds as though you all had a fantastic time with so many different and wonderful experiences. What holiday will be able to top that?

It is some years since I visited Singapore and loved it too.


Thank you so much for the review and all the useful additional information Bob - I'm on the June trip (with Singapore add-on) and very much looking forward to it...
Hi Bob,

many thanks for posting this review, glad you had a great time.

But just confirms that Borneo is not for me.  Altho' would love to get to Singapore sometime and, it seems from what you say, that you need several days to do it justice - not just a couple of nights on the way to somewhere else.

The trip I have my eye on is the Chile + Easter Island trip - but having booked Cuba for end Jan 2017, don't really think I can do the early March 2017 trip so will have to wait to do it either Oct 17 or Nov 17 - unless some other dates appear.



Julie White
Hello Hils,

Glad you all enjoyed Singapore and Borneo. Just what I imagined in a zoo in Singapore, polar bears. Looks like a trip to the zoo.

I am still coming to Namibia, looking forward to seeing you again. Do you think they will have any polar bears in the sand dunes!!!

See you soon

Julie x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Katy,

Thanks for your comments - I did pack in a lot into the three days in Singapore but I could have quite happily spent a few more there!  Just for your information, I've booked Chile with the Easter Island add-on for November 2017, along with a few others you know from the Mexico tour!  There are only a couple of places left on the main tour plus add-on, so if you are thinking seriously about it and would like to go in November (which seems like a really good time to go, climate-wise) then you'd need to move soon to get a place!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

I had changed my mind about Sri Lanka for next year and wanted to book Chile with Easter Island for November, but that date is now sold out - so it has to be Sri Lanka next year. So jealous of you Bob!!


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Great review as usual and I know how much you were looking forward to this trip and so glad it didn't disappoint. You will have great memories and now you will look forward to the next trip.


'BGray' wrote:

Hi everyone, just back from the pioneering first departure on JY's new Borneo tour, with Singapore add-on!  The verdict?  It was terrific! ………. 


Hi Bob

Good to meet you at last! Thanks for a great review of our memorable journey - I spent the morning reading through all the reviews and comments - each review gave its own take on the adventure and highlighted different aspects - thanks for jogging my memories. Still can't believe I was there in the rainforest jungle watching the wild life I had only seen on David Attenborough programmes.

I am glad you enjoyed Singapore too. I loved the city when I first visited on a three night stopover in 2010, when the Marina Sands was brand new and the Gardens by the Bay still to be created. It seems you do need much longer to fit everything you would like to do/see in - however, how many people can say they had breakfast with Orang Utans?  🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Diane

I love your photo of the orang-utan!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Kedi and others, thanks for your comments.  I would just add a couple of comments about Singapore as none of us who have reviewed it went into too much detail.  I was initially apprehensive that we did not have a tour manager for the add-on, but thanks to Erica's preparation before she went back to the UK with the main group and also to Iris from Buffalo Tours, whose organizational skills are admirable (she was like an army sergeant major!!) everything went smoothly.  Iris included a visit to the Orchid Garden at the Botanical Gardens as part of the city tour, which was wonderful and I'm very glad she did it.  Apart from the included city tour, which visited the ethnic areas of Chinatown, Little India and Arab Street, we had some wonderful optional excursions:

Gardens by the Bay - this is a marvellous experience: bold, innovative, beautiful and completely unique.  

Night Safari at the Zoo - this is a completely separate part of Singapore Zoo to the main site and features animals that are largely nocturnal.  It was enjoyable and we saw quite a lot of wildlife, which are subtly lit.  However, it was impossible to take decent photos!  We enjoyed an included buffet dinner there, which was very good.  Unfortunately the night show was cancelled due to lightning!

Breakfast with the Orang Utans - this was truly wonderful and another holiday highlight. We walked through part of the zoo and saw a number of animals en route.  Then we had an excellent buffet breakfast and an orang utan family were brought out to join us!  We sat close by them and we could queue up to have our photos taken with them - with our own cameras, as well as an official photo which could be purchased.  When the queue had died down, we were free to queue up again to take numerous close up photos of a mother, baby and young orang.  Fantastic!  We then had free time and most of us watched the feeding of the resident polar bear, visited the main orang utan enclosure and got some amazing photos of a rare white tiger.  This was a must do experience.

Singapore After Dark was an official JY excursion organised by them before we left on the tour.  It was the least exciting of the excursions to be honest and desperately overpriced.  As there had been some confusion over whether dinner was included, JY graciously organised an excellent Chinese dinner for us.  The other highlight was the visit to Raffles and an included Singapore Sling.  Bugis Market was glitzy and tatty, really not worth visiting and the trishaw ride was disappointing as we did not pass any areas of interest - it largely duplicated what we had seen on the city tour and the trishaw company refused to take us to Raffles, so we went there by coach instead!

A number of the group took a bum boat from Clarke Quay, which they greatly enjoyed.  The Furama City Centre Hotel is in a great location, near to the Metro and Clarke Quay - there are great restaurants all along the quay.  I ate in the hotel a couple of times for lunch and residents get a discount on meals in the restaurant, which has an a la carte menu as well as a buffet.

The final excursion was a trip to Sentosa Island - four of us did it on the final day.  It is a large Vegas style resort with a huge variety of things to do, including Universal Studios and Madam Tussaud's.  We visited the Butterfly Farm (which had very few active butterflies as it was raining) but we did see a number of interesting insects and reptiles!  We then went to the aquarium, which was fabulous, with a huge variety of tropical fish from all over the world.  I particularly liked the fluorescent jellies, which were very striking.  I got really great photos, despite shooting through glass.

Singapore was the icing on the cake and for me, it made the tour outstanding.  In this way, I strongly recommend that you do the add-on if possible, or alternatively do the new Singapore city break - you will not be disappointed!  Finally, just to say that it was the extra optional excursions organised by Erica our TM in conjuction with Buffalo Tours, that made the add-on a superb experience.  If you're doing Singapore, either as an add-on to a tour such as this one, or as a city break in its own right - ask your tour manager or the agent from Buffalo Tours what extra excursions can be arranged.  Buffalo organised a tailor made itinerary for each of us, depending on what we wished to do.  Otherwise, unless you have done a lot of research beforehand (or have been there before), you could miss out!



Hi Bob, thanks for the detailed Singapore review, will be very useful to have it to look it up for when I eventually get there.  I had thought that a couple of days would be enough to "do" Singapore but clearly I was wrong about that, so very helpful to know now.



Hi Bob

excellent review of Singapore, spot on

Thanks for posting



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Katy,

Thanks for your comments - glad it was helpful!

Hi Dave,

Thanks to you also, I thought it was worth doing - and your review was great as well.



  • (Member)
Thanks for all the info, I'm off to Borneo on Thursday, unfortunately not the Singapore add on but will try to see something while on the layover on the way back even if its just one of the airport organised tours, but I do have a couple of days in Singapore in November when I go to New Zealand so I'll definitely take up the advise about seeing what I can arrange through the local tour company


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Tim,

I'm glad the info will come in handy for your visit to Singapore in November - if you just have a couple of days there I'd suggest that the Gardens by the Bay, bum boat trip and breakfast with the orangutans at the zoo would be the must do activities to give a flavour of the city.  If there is an included city tour that takes up half a day or more you might want to give it a miss in favour of doing your own thing/whatever Buffalo Tours can organize for you - you could always ask for timings on the forum and make plans before you go.

All the best,
