  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
P.S. Further to my review, I have some comments about the business of tipping the driver and TM on these trips. While I certainly don't begrudge paying for service I believe to be "above and beyond", I feel the whole thing has gotten out of hand. I am writing to JY about this privately but I wonder what others think?


I never tip the " recommended " amounts .

Multiply it by 40 people on the tour and it would be a lot of money !

Tipping in USA is particularly out of hand and has put me off any more holidays there.

I was going to do a ranch holiday holiday there with a friend ( not JY ) until we added up the tips that had to be paid to all and sundry.

  • (Member)
I would say that tipping in the states is very different to tipping in say the UK, in the states the tip is in fact part of there wage and is very much needed to there pay packet whereas in the UK a tip is what it is a tip as in a bit extra on top of there wage.

At the end of the day it does not matter which country I am in and I have been lucky enough to travel this world, I tip for good service or beyond the call, and I think I tip well. I would never tip for an unpleasant experience irrespective of which country I was in.

I have been questioned once or twice why there has been no tip left and I have left the person in no doubt as why.

I always tip the driver or manager on a JY tour but the amount differs to the experience I have had with them..


I do agree. Tipping in particular of tour managers should at the traveler's discretion. I am happy to tip well for additional service, but not for just doing a basic job. I refuse to tip surly unhelpful coach drivers like a couple i have encountered who stood by the group manhandled our luggage on and off the coach. This seems to be a particular trait of French coach drivers. Also when tours are included in the basic price of the holiday, tips should be included. I have recently done a tour with another "singles"operator who included tips to local guides on all included excursions. If I am going to be expected to tip, I would rather be told at the booking stage, so I can budget, rather than getting a nasty shock when the final details hit my doormat.1
  • (Member)
Hi this discussion has been had a number of times over the years and I don't think there will ever be a consensus! The holiday info provided by JY gives guidance on tipping but stresses that it is at the customer's discretion, which I think is fair enough. There are times I have given a small tip, or even none at all, when I think the service has been disappointing. At the same time, I have tipped generously when I believe the person has gone well beyond the call of duty - for example on my most recent tour, the tour manager worked tirelessly to ensure that everyone got the most out of their holiday and went to huge lengths to overcome any niggles with a level of dedication that would be hard to match. In the same way, our driver was outstanding and had to deal with crazy driving and overtaking on many journeys, as well as negotiate a very complex route through twisty mountain roads. Just doing their job, you might say? Well, I still believe that people who excel should be rewarded and everyone likes to be appreciated. And so I was very happy to give them both €50 as my personal expression of thanks for adding much to my holiday experience. As well as this, tipping is part of life in most parts of the world. It seems these islands (and Japan) are just about the only countries where it becomes an issue!

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for the comments. The reason I mentioned this is that on this particular trip there was a subtle (or at times not-so-subtle) pressure on us re what we were expected to give and mention of an amount that "would be considered an insult". Both the driver and guide were, I emphasise, excellent and would have been given good tips in any case but I know that several other travellers found the "hints" annoying. Also, if everyone gave £20, that is a total of £480 tax free on top of a salary which, admittedly, may be small, but surely what we are meant to give is a "tip" and not part-payment of their salary???? I paid the recommended amount, of course, but I think it is a flawed system.
Personally I would prefer for there to be an agreed amount up front for tipping which is included in the overall cost of the holiday and the responsibility of the Tour Manager to hand out as appropriate. This is what was done by another holiday company I have used and it meant that those of us who don't like the whole tipping thing could relax and forget about it. I hate the whole tipping culture... and would welcome anything help to take the stress of it all away
  • (Member)
I agree with Bob's comments. Tourism industry is one where tipping is the norm. No one is forced to tip or to give the suggested amount. On all my Just You tours no one has suggested an amount - sometimes the Tour Manager will remind you to tip the driver if you wished. The suggested amounts are usually in the final documents and at the end of the day it is up to the individual whether or not they wish to tip. Not everyone tips and not everyone gives the same amount, so for someone to start multiplying the suggested amount with a number of people is not correct! Tips are not part of the salary/wage - they are for a good service received and a sort of 'thank you'.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Having travelled extensively and lived in both Europe and North America, I am well aware of tipping customs in various countries. My point was simply that I do not think drivers and tour managers should be dropping hints or mentioning amounts, which happened on this trip and made some people feel uncomfortable and under pressure as to what amount to give. In my opinion this is inappropriate.

Regards to all,
