I used a circular polarising filter on my lens and really noticed a difference to the blue skies against the red sands.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally, I should have thought of bringing the polarising filter but I didn't! However I did cheat a little and set my camera to "daylight" and "vivid" which really brought out the colours. Kedi, you may well use your x50 zoom to the max on the game drives!!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
I think you who are great photographers should set a new link up on here under a camere/photographiny link to share information and questions and answers as some people wont see this wealth ogfphotographic knowledge just a thought!!


Thanks Sally and Bob for the camera tips. I nearly bought a polarising filter for the Polar Bears - then found my camera needed an adapter to fit filters and gave up! However I think the time has come to take the plunge. That's a useful tip about using the settings - I am very guilty of just sticking to auto. I actually went on a half day camera course last week - none the wiser!

Looking forward to seeing some Namibia photos - the desert scenery is so unusual and dramatic.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Kedi, I've given JY the go ahead to post an album of my Namibia photos (just a few out of the hundreds I took) on their Facebook page - it hasn't appeared yet. I did post them to the page myself so if you go to it, you should be able to see it. As I posted them I'm not sure how they appear to anyone else!!

Best wishes,


Wow! Thanks Bob. Don't know how I did it but I clicked here and clicked there and finally found a dozen shots! Great photos and an amazing lion. I will now try to find the other albums folk said had been posted on the JY Facebook page that I have never been able to find……..
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Kedi, glad you liked them - I would have put more photos up but it takes so long to upload them! Hopefully it'll give you a flavour of the tour and an idea of the wonders you could be seeing!

Best wishes,


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Kedi, glad you liked them - I would have put more photos up but it takes so long to upload them! Hopefully it'll give you a flavour of the tour and an idea of the wonders you could be seeing!

Best wishes,


I can't find them Bob, where should I be looking on Facebook? I have been on the Just You page but can't see them.

Good to meet you on the holiday, hope you enjoy your next one. I am seriously considering Australia in March.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pauline, if you go to the JY Facebook page and down the left hand side you'll see a tab "Posts to page" - if you click on that and scroll down a bit you'll find it, I posted it on 10 June.

Lovely to meet you in Namibia; Australia is on my wish list but I need to find a date that suits - none of the 2016 dates do! At the moment I'm thinking about doing it in 2018 as I want to do Cuba and Canada in 2017!!

Best wishes,


Thanks Bob,

I finally found them. Your photos are lovely, funny mine are very similar, probably because I was standing right behind you a lot of the time! But mine are not of such good quality Nevertheless I think my small camera did a good job.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Just seen your pictures on Facebook. They look fantastic & bring back some lovely memories. It was a magical holiday & I can't wait to return to Africa.

Fingers crossed JY add Tanzania to their itinerary in the not too distant future.....

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Taffy,

Many thanks for your kind comments, I'm sure you got plenty of great photos too! Yes I'm one of those people who love Africa too - as the saying goes, once Africa enters your soul it never leaves! Here's hoping for Tanzania and also Ethiopia one day!

It was great to have met you and wishing you well for future travels!

Best wishes,
