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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Jim

I was so excited to read your review as I am going in May. I was in two minds as to whether or not to do the cruise as the 'sea does not like me', but decided in the end to go ahead and book it as I do not want to miss anything. Hopefully we will see some dolphins. I have just one question - was there a choice of food for vegetarians? I do eat eggs and sometimes fish as long as it is not served whole. Can't cope with eyes and bones!!


Hi Jaya,

There were a number of vegetarians on the trip. some of whom called themselves piscatarians, that is they ate fish as well as being vegetarians. Fish was readily available and Julia our tour manager was always able to sort something out if there wasn't anything suitable on the main menu. I don't think you will have any problems.



PS. I had fish on a number of occasions and it was never served whole.

  • (Member)
Thanks Jim. Reassuring to know that vegetarians are catered for though it will do me good not to have too much food as can do with losing a few pounds! Usually I do not worry too much about food whilst on holiday. Am really looking forward to the trip, especially after reading your comprehensive review. Not long to go till May.


  • (Member)
Hi Jim, I hope you see this post! I've just thought of a question - did you all use DEET throughout the trip or just when you got to Etosha? I prefer not to use it unless absolutely necessary, so would be very interested to hear what you lot did on your tour and if anyone was bitten by the dreaded mossies!

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob,

Some people were taking malarone and others were just relying on repellent. I was one of the latter. I only used the repellent when I got to Etosha but I also had some DEET wristbands too. I didn't suffer any bites and I don't recall anyone saying that they had been bitten either, I think the rooms we stayed in when we were visiting Etosha had mosquito nets as well.



  • (Member)
Hi Jim, thank you so much for your quick and helpful reply. I'll certainly bring DEET but it is a relief to know I won't need to use it until I get to Etosha. I have wristbands and will wear them throughout the trip just in case.

Best wishes and thanks again,


  • (Member)
I only have wrist bands for sea sickness - I bought them just in case for the dolphin cruise. Where do you get the DEET wristbands from? Not sure if I would want to wear them, but just in case.


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya, I got the Jungle brand ones a while back - they used to be sold in pharmacies but I think they've been discontinued as the last time I got them was via Amazon. There are also organic ones available that don't use DEET - but I don't know how effective they are. DEET spray is still the most effective repellent, but I am envious of you if the mossies don't usually go for you! Judging from Jim's comments, hopefully it won't be an issue!

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

I only have wrist bands for sea sickness - I bought them just in case for the dolphin cruise. Where do you get the DEET wristbands from? Not sure if I would want to wear them, but just in case.


Hi Jaya,

You can buy them at the airport. I actually found some in my local 99p store.




As an alternative to Deet try 'Incognito' insect repellant. It is made from natural ingredients and seemed to work when I tried it previously. I had forgotten about it until I saw an ad for it in Wanderlust magazine. You can get it online from lessmosquito.com. Incidentally the magazine edition for April includes a bucket list of 23 things to do before you die which includes Namibia. It is actually sleeping under the stars in Namibia but as camping isn't my thing I'm happy to adapt it to just seeing the stars!


The Deet wristbands can be bought from Boots or Amazon

http://www.boots.com/en/Go-Travel-Mosquito-Defence-Wrist-Bands-4-Pack-597_1248382/ .

There is a new TV series starting on ITV1 on Friday called 'Slow Train Through Africa' with Griff Rhys Jones. Episode 4 features Namibia. Just over 7 weeks to go now.

  • (Member)
Hi Sally, many thanks for the info. I am really looking forward to the GRJ programme. Time is slipping by!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Sally / Bob / Jim

Thanks for the wrist band information. Still not too sure about Deet so may try to get Incognito insect spray though hopefully, as usual, mossies will stay away from me! I will also remember to bring the jasmine oil, which I purchased in Morocco, with me as we were told that this also keeps the mossies away. Worth a try whilst also smelling sweet!


  • (Member)
I am going to watch GRJ programme as well, just caught up with Caribbean with Simon Reeve was in 3 parts I like his programmes on travel as well.

Hope you 3 have a great time away and have fun and see great sights


  • (Member)
Many thanks Cindy, I've been watching the Simon Reeve programme as well and really enjoyed it - better than his Australia one which I thought was too negative. I'm interested in learning about the problems that different countries have as well as the positives but there should be a better balance in his programmes - they are supposed to be entertainment after all!

Best wishes,
