  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

Following on from Will's post, I understand that all affected travellers on the National Parks and LBH trip will be contacted directly by our customer services team in writing addressing the issues raised.

Kindest regards,


Mick W
  • (Member)
Thanks Julia for the update will look forward to hearing from them.
Mick W
  • (Member)
Just to update everyone that has followed this thread I've recieved a very nice letter from JY customer services dealing with all my concerns with the holiday.

Included was financial compensation for the period lost from the holiday caused by the flight timings, a reasonable amount which I consider very fair. Plus a voucher for discount off a future holiday as a goodwill gesture which I'll be using towards my next trip with the company.

Thank you Just You.


'Mick wrote:

Just to update everyone that has followed this thread I've recieved a very nice letter from JY customer services dealing with all my concerns with the holiday.

Included was financial compensation for the period lost from the holiday caused by the flight timings, a reasonable amount which I consider very fair. Plus a voucher for discount off a future holiday as a goodwill gesture which I'll be using towards my next trip with the company.

Thank you Just You.


Good news Mick! Come to Slovenia! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
'Puer wrote:

'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks for the pics Mick. Where are you off to next?

Hi Bosuncat,

Nothing booked as yet which is unusual for me as i like to have something to look forward to.

Was thinking about going away a chrimmy again but nothing jumps off the page at me so may give it a miss this year and do more hols next year.

Will definately do something in spring whether with JY or others.


Hi Mick,

I've thought about going away at xmas but always backed off, ending up at my sisters. Can you say what it's like on the xmas trips you've done? are they large groups, is there a chrissy atmosphere?

Also, whilst Just You is my first choice, I've looked at other companies, Solos, Friendship Travel, Solitair, for when dates are better suited then Just You, but never used any, always a bit worried they would be 'too young' or ther holidays inferior. Do you have any experience with any of these?


Hi Puer,

I also love to travel with Just You, eight times so far, so I am not being critical of them in any way. I am just giving you another option.

If you are looking to travel with a more mature group then there is one company missing from your list. They are called One Traveller.

I went to St. Petersburg with them in July and had a wonderful holiday. I can certainly recommend them. Their organisation and attention to detail are superb, check their testimonials page to see what I mean.


Mick W
  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

'Mick wrote:

Just to update everyone that has followed this thread I've recieved a very nice letter from JY customer services dealing with all my concerns with the holiday.

Included was financial compensation for the period lost from the holiday caused by the flight timings, a reasonable amount which I consider very fair. Plus a voucher for discount off a future holiday as a goodwill gesture which I'll be using towards my next trip with the company.

Thank you Just You.


Good news Mick! Come to Slovenia! :thumbup:

Well it is on my list to consider, giving next years hols a lot of thought at the moment, decisions arn't far away. A lot depends on the dates.


'Mick wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

'Mick wrote:

Just to update everyone that has followed this thread I've recieved a very nice letter from JY customer services dealing with all my concerns with the holiday.

Included was financial compensation for the period lost from the holiday caused by the flight timings, a reasonable amount which I consider very fair. Plus a voucher for discount off a future holiday as a goodwill gesture which I'll be using towards my next trip with the company.

Thank you Just You.


Good news Mick! Come to Slovenia! :thumbup:

Well it is on my list to consider, giving next years hols a lot of thought at the moment, decisions arn't far away. A lot depends on the dates.


Go for it! We only missed each other by a week last time.

  • (Member)
I have also received a letter apologising for the mess up at the start of the holiday with compensation for the missed part of the tour and a voucher off my next holiday.

I will look at doing the Chicago - New Orleans trip next September .

Thank you to JustYou



Mick W
  • (Member)
'SteveW' wrote:

I have also received a letter apologising for the mess up at the start of the holiday with compensation for the missed part of the tour and a voucher off my next holiday.

I will look at doing the Chicago - New Orleans trip next September .

Thank you to JustYou




Good chance I'll do the same holiday but it'll be the November departure I think.

New Orleans and september don't mix well with me, was going in 2005 & 2008 only to have my plans altered due to Hurricanes (katrina & gustav), got me to Memphis & San Antonio instead.

Deciding on a number of holiday options before making any final decision, planning a lot of travel next year.


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

Do you know when the rest of this group that missed their connection and the beginning of the holiday will be contacted by JY as I have not heard anything yet?



  • (Member)
Hi Wendy,

I've spoken to the team, at the moment they are dealing with the customers who have written in to complain as these must take preference (ABTA code of conduct). It has been suggested to me, that if you haven't already, you should put your experience in writing.

Kindest regards,
