Sussex Downs
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is a tour that Just You should include in their brochure, if only for the months of May and early September because of the weather. Three great cities and superb countryside.

Reasonable flight on United (although their inflight entertainment could be better), we started off in San Francisco which has to be one of the best cities in the USA.

Day 2 started with an included sightseeing tour of the city. The rest of the day and Day 3 were free time. Visits to the Cable Car museum and a ride from the hotel to Union Square, Chinatown, Alcatraz (a must), Fishermans Wharf, Pier 39 and Union Square (for the shops). Book Alcatraz in this country as most of the tours are full. Alcatraz is all what you want it to be and more. Unfortunately the Wells Fargo museum was closed due to refurbishment. The big bonus was the Americas Cup. Not being a sailing fan, watching those catamarans flying over the water was amazing. Can’t believe Oracle came back from being 1 - 8 down! I see for 2014 only ½ a day free time in San Francisco. A big mistake as there is so much to see and enjoy. An optional evening meal on Pier 39 (do try the clam chowder) followed by a night tour which included going over the new section of the Bay Bridge which had only been opened the week before.

Day 4 north bound started by going over the Golden Gate Bridge. Late morning stop at a vineyard for a pleasant wine tasting. In the afternoon we passed through the Redwood NP and the Avenue of the Giants where these trees are big! Overnight stop on the coast at Eureka.

Day 5 started cloudy which is not unusual and into the state of Oregon and through more Redwood NP’s. Evening stay at Grants Pass where the temperature was in the high 90’s. Day 6 on the way to Crater Lake a stop at the Natural Bridge, part of the Rogue River. Crater Lake is amazing. Being an extinct volcano the melted snow (over 350” a year) has filled the crater with water over many thousands of years and is so blue.

An overnight stay in Eugene then Day 7 along the coast to Portland. Again a cloudy start with stops at Sea Lion Caves (no sea lions) and Newport for lunch and more clam chowder! A stop in the afternoon at Woodburn Outlet Shopping Mall, which pleased the ladies and where in Oregon there is no sales tax.

Day 8 was an optional full day tour of the Columbia River Gorge and Mount Hood which was excellent. Stops at Multnomah Falls, Bonneville Lock & Dam where at certain times of the year you can see the salmon going up river in a special viewing gallery. They are big, up to 3 ft. Lunch stop at Hood River where if you go to the Full Sail Tasting Room Pub, their own beer is excellent and also the food. Now up to Mount Hood and a stop at Timberline Lodge (6000ft) which is not only a visitor centre but also a base for skiers. Getting cold and windy. Unfortunately the summit (11000ft) was in cloud.

Day 9 and into the state of Washington and on to Seattle with a stop at Mount St Helens Visitor Centre. Although it was sunny, we could not see Mount St Helens!!! Upon entering Seattle we passed the Boeing factory airfield and then a brief tour of the city with a stop at Pikes Place Market which is a must. Fish, meat and flower stalls, plus plenty of gift shops an amazing place to get lost in! In the early evening I went up the Space Needle which was only a 20 minute walk from the hotel. Brilliant views of the city and excellent weather. Day 10 was a free day but did include an optional bay cruise which was another photo opportunity. Back at Pike Place if you go to Piroshky, it’s a Russian shop that sell pastries both savoury and sweet. Excellent. Then nearby there is the original Starbucks shop, which is very busy.

Day 11 saw us leave the US and into Canada. Again a mini tour of Vancouver with a stop at Stanley Park and the Totem Poles for photos. Day 12 was again a free day with a visit to the Lookout Tower for some excellent city views. Not as high as the Space Needle but still a must. Then a must look at the steam clock, but go there near the top of the hour to hear the chimes. Vancouver has excellent shopping. Also a must, the Aquarium in Stanley Park which was much better than the one in Seattle.

Day13 was free in the morning and it was raining! Then in the afternoon to the airport for the night flight home with Air Canada. Comfortable but again the entertainment was only fair, but at least the monitors were on the seats.

Arrived safely on Day 14 at Heathrow although there were some turbulents.

Our tour guide was Alison Blisset who was of course excellent both in her knowledge, stories and jokes.

Well I hope you enjoyed this review and that this tour will be on your list. The weather can be a disappointment at times, as a week later there was plenty of rain in Seattle and Vancouver. This tour was between 10th September and 23rd September 2013.


  • (Member)
Hi Malcolm, many thanks for your review which I did enjoy reading! I've looked at this holiday a number of times and it is definitely on my "to do" list when I've run out of JY options! The weather is so unpredictable these days, it is very hard to know when is a good time to go anywhere!!

Thanks especially for the detailed day by day breakdown, it really gives a proper feel of what the holiday is like and I'm very glad you enjoyed your holiday so much.

All the best,


  • (Member)

A great report on your tour,
