Jan Wood
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I have just returned from Croatia on my second JY holiday. It could not compare in any way with the Highlights of Tuscany holiday last year, except for the weather! The transfer times from the airport to the first hotel after a delayed flight seemed to take forever but fortunately the hotel in Petrcane was clean and comfortable. Zadar is a beautiful place and well worth a visit as is the Krka National Park. The problem lies with the length of the time spent on the coach which is far more than the time spent visiting the attractions themselves. Every trip is around two hours long each way and meant that we were left with no time to relax or use the hotel facilities. The hotel in Gradac was clean and tidy if a little outdated but the food was appalling. I could have soled my shoes with the steak they served! Only on one occasion was the food edible and we all decided that it must be the chef's night off. The pool was dirty but there was no need to use it as the hotel is right on the beach. I am pleased to see that JY have changed the second hotel in the new brochure. We were supposed to visit the island of Hvar which we understood was a ninety minute sail from Gradac but instead we visited Korcula, after being "sold" the idea by the rep, which turned out to be nearly seven hours on a very uncomfortable boat in order to spend a couple of hours in a town. No-one was amused! There was no time to relax between trips and dinner and starts were too early to stay up late! Along with many others, I like to see as much of the country as I can when visiting but the tours should not get you back to the hotel with an hour or less to spare before dinner. It is supposed to be a holiday with time to relax as well 😞
  • (Member)
Hi Jan,

I'm sorry to hear that your Croatia holiday could not compare to your Italian break last year. I have forwarded all of your comments up to our customer care team, who will contact you directly regarding this.

Kindest regards,


Sorry to read you didn't enjoy it that much. Unfortunately travelling times in that part of the world are a bit horrendous. I remember way back when I went to Makarska being on a delayed flight into Split and it taking forever to get down to Makarska. It's a heck of a coastal road.

I cannot for the life of me understand the rep taking you to Korcula instead of Hvar. Why the heck didn't they go to Brac which is a lot lot closer.


  • (Member)
Hi Jan,

It would be interesting to know what comes about as a results of your comments. Did you go on the same trip as Roger Downing? I note that the hotel has been changed which is good.


Jan Wood
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'marks' wrote:

Hi Jan,

It would be interesting to know what comes about as a results of your comments. Did you go on the same trip as Roger Downing? I note that the hotel has been changed which is good.


Hi Mark. I went on 27th Sept so not the week that Roger Downing went. JY have contacted me regarding my comments and, I feel, have taken them on board. They were more than apologetic about the hotel in Gradac and have already changed it as you know. They hope that transfers will not take so long at the new hotel, but of course this remains to be seen when they start to use it. I will still probably go on another holiday with JY next year based on the excellent experience I had in Tuscany!


Hi Jan,

I'm pretty sure we were on the same holiday, perhaps the trauma of the sea trip or my old age has befuddled memories.


Roger (The ginger one)

Jan Wood
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Roger, you are right of course. I don't know what day it is anymore!