'nixon' wrote:

Hello Robert

Nice to see you posting on here!!!! You should of joined myself and Lynda on the jet boat or Kayak with Mark...OOO I had forgotten the mounted policeman! I was to slow in getting the camera out!...

Where do you have you eye on next for a holiday destination?


Booked Lake Como in Sept. Any info ?


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'Robertg' wrote:

'nixon' wrote:

Hello Robert

Nice to see you posting on here!!!! You should of joined myself and Lynda on the jet boat or Kayak with Mark...OOO I had forgotten the mounted policeman! I was to slow in getting the camera out!...

Where do you have you eye on next for a holiday destination?


Booked Lake Como in Sept. Any info ?


Have a great time away, I have known people that have done this tour and rated it highly...I have not done this tour.......

Enjoy your travels


Sussex Downs
Hi Cindy,

Not really thought about going to Florida for a holiday (too many bucket and spade British tourists!), but having been on the Texas & New Orleans tour in May I have been told that the Kennedy Space Centre is much better than NASA in Houston. Also in New Orleans I wish there was time for a swamp tour as a few of us would have liked to have done.

From your review, Kennedy was a full day excursion and well worth the visit. How long was the Everglades tour which you thought was disappointing? You say that the whole of the group were on one air boat whereas in the Just You brochure shows three passengers!!!! Were their good opportunities for photographing? It looked like you enjoyed Key West.

What time was the flight back from Orlando?

Many thanks


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
hello Malcolm

Sorry for not answering this sooner..

Re NASA we left at 08.30am it is 1hr15mins away approx. and we got back to the hotel at 18.30 hrs.

When we got there we all did our own thing and then gathered together for the lunch with the astronaut, this is not just for the JY group there will be other groups etc there, I found it very interesting, the photo is a group photo, this is just with the JY group. I must admit that I was just going with the flow for this day out and I was very surprised how much I enjoyed this day, well worth doing. It was extremely HOT. Flight simulator, bus tour, I max show very good,

The Everglades boat ride was disappointing for me the boat, for us all to be on it in one go, I thought it would be like you see on TV or in the JY brochure, I/we saw nothing. There were some animals to see in captivity and I saw one crocodile or was it alligator !! Near the boats. Think we stopped at this place for 2 hours but that did include the time for lunch there.

Key west really was a great day out, and really did enjoy the time spent at islamorada, jet boat, paddle boat with live music, beach, sea views and so HOT!!

Key West is a full on day took 1hr 30 min from where we were staying, left after sunset 20.30 approx...lots to see and do a bit sort of hippy style is how I would describe it..I had fun...

What in particular did you want to photograph.... I took lots but then I snap away at every thing and anything, I did out some pictures on the JY face book page if your on Face Book?

The flight landed back at LGW at 06.30 am

If I can help with anything else please just ask.


Sussex Downs
Thanks Cindy for the information.

Re flight times, what I wanted to know was the time the flight took off from Orlando. Re my ‘Should holidays be described as Days or Nights’, how much free time did you have on the last day in Florida??

Seems like Key West is to be enjoyed.

Re photographing I was referring to the Everglades and the air boat weaving about. Can’t handle Facebook, so try to delete my profile to no avail!!

Hope JY take on board some of your comments, after all they do want satisfied customers!!!



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photos from Everglades were not brilliant you are moving at speed and its just reeds and shallow water, also the sun was blinding I did take some snaps but not very interesting to others if I am honest.

Last day our flight left at 17.30 ish...we had lunch near the airport and got to the airport 4 hours before take off. To be honest it was up breakfast, and off, it was a long day, with the drive to airport the stop off for lunch, waiting at the airport and then the flight home I was just so lucky and I did in fact sleep quite well on the flight home. So the answer to your question there was NO free time in the home coming day. It was up and off.

I did enjoy this holiday but there are a couple of things that I would say need tweaking, I have put a letter into JY and they have replied to me. If they tweak the few things then it will be a great tour.

If your still on FB have a look at the photos on Just You on FB, all this modern technology does my head in at times...if I joined twitter I would achieve nothing in the day.

have fun on your travels..


I am awaiting the new brochure to see what's in store for my next journey

Barbara j
Good info looking forward to this trip nov 2015 , thank you xx