  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Florida Tour May 16th – 28th May 2013

This was a brand new tour, there were 39 people travelling + driver Vincent and Tour Manager Kim Valence. Ration 6 men I think the rest was ladies. Aged 26-75 I would think. Flights there and back were to time. Kim is a very experienced tour manager, and she is American so she met us out there. Vincent is an ex marine who has served the full 30 years and more so we were all in safe hands. The heat was over powering at times so please do think of that aspect and there are many hours on the coach moving from place to place. Also it is a good idea while in the USA to carry photo I.D. it does NOT have to be your passport.

I am glad I went on this tour it was good but there are some things that I hope are tweaked for future tours.

Day 2.Holiday Inn Express and Suites (Which is the 1st day really) (Day 1 is spent travelling. Seaworld this is worth doing, but if you want to go to another theme park that is your choice. I loved the Whales amazing. This is close to the hotel. This night I choose to eat at the Coral Buffet that is close by all you can eat buffet for approximately $12.00 including soft drink. There is a large chemist-come everything store close as well.

Day 3. Space Centre, is approx 1hr 15mins away, we had a good time, the lunch is well worth going to (not for vegetarians like me I didn’t fair well at all) it is a set lunch, the astronaut who was in attendance was J.F.Riley his Q and A session was very good. N.A.S.A I found very interesting which was a surprise to me. We left at 08.30am and got back at 18.30pm. The photo on offer is a group photo, and the cost is approximately $20.00, I did not get this.

Day 4. Hampton Inn Fort Lauderdale. On to Fort Lauderdale we made an ad hoc stop at Vero Beach for lunch and a quick look around very nice place. When we got to the hotel there were no eating-places near by so Kim arranged for the driver to take us into town to the Cheese Factory for a very nice meal.

Day 5. City tour around was OK, the weather was awful I am sure on a good day the sight seeing cruise would be fine.

Day 6. Heading to Miami (this needs tweaking with in my opinion) city tour, we did walk down Ocean Drive to see the art deco houses ending in Islamorada.

Day 7. Postcard Inn Beach Key Largo – Key West. Stunning setting right on the beach. Trip to Key west took the conch train around as was so hot I liked this place. Lots of shops and characters. Watched the sun go down over Battery Park. A really nice day out.

Day 8. Day Off!! Myself and a friend went on a Jet Boat which is something we have wanted to do, we did pay for a driver it cost $200.00 in total but there is room for 4 if you want to drive or 3 + driver. We were out for 2 hours going Fast and furious such a laugh. Loved it. Just got back in time to shower and go out for evening on a Paddle Boat with Live Music. This was nice and to see the sunset over the water. This was arranged through Kim and was a very nice idea from her.

Day 9. Everglades today this was a must for me, but to be honest a disappointment, as you are all on one fan boat and as there are so many whizzing around we saw only a few birds. There are other things to see around the place. You can hold a Croc 2 years old with your camera and pay $ 3.00. On to Naples. Hawthorn Suites. This was a great room well actually a suite Full Kitchen, Lounge, Bedroom, nice selection of places to eat near by, from Hooters!! To fine dinning Italian. No bar in hotel.

Day 10. Day Off! Kim got a trip to local area sorted for us to explore lunch out and shopping.

Day 11. Visit behind the scenes to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford retreats very interesting and a great photo opportunity. Boxed Lunch provided (again I did not fair well) onto Sarasota Hilton garden Inn.

Day 12. HOME!!!


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

Good review. Surprised that vegetarians did not fare well with boxed lunch and lunch at the Space Centre considering vegetarianism is so popular nowadays. Did you not mention to the tour manager that you were a vegetarian? Anyway glad to know you enjoyed the tour.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Yes I always mention I am a vegetarian when I made my booking.

regarding the packed lunch, it was one of these modern wraps, to me they taste like cardboard, filled with a huge wet squishy mushroom and cheese with a hint of lettuce!! I did mark on my order form NO MUSHROOM, but it wasn't acknowledged...I did mention to the rep but nothing she could do as this was a ore order meal.

The buffet lunch at NASA, was just what it was, and there was nothing there for me, all chicken meat etc so I just ate 3 puddings!!!. I did ask the rep what I was getting and she said this is it, they can't diviate from the menu.

I must admit I do not have much choice in the USA at all, I can only eat so many Caesar salads..I even had to have fish and chips 3 days as I was getting desperate. Which is not reall what I Wanted to be eating being a non animal eater.

never mind I am making up for lost time now.


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy, thanks for the review, sounds like you had a blast! What things specifically do you think need tweaking? Kim obviously played a blinder in sorting out mini excursions for you on the free days - I hope all the TMs would do this, as that's the one thing that would put me off doing a holiday if I thought there was nothing on offer and I'm not well disposed towards heading off myself and having to find my own entertainment on holiday. Pity about the Everglades, that would be one of the main reasons I would do Florida. Perhaps you were just unfortunate and it was a very busy time when you were there. Food for veggies abroad does seem to be very hit and miss but I thought the US would be about the best place for a veggie to go?!

Anyhow, now you're back, any ideas where you'd like to go next - how about joining me in Costa Rica/Nicaragua next March??



PS - in reference to your other post, I didn't spot many spelling mistakes at all!!

Thanks for the review Cindy. Sounds as though it was a little hit and miss especially on the food front. REALLY shocked to hear on the lack of vegetarian options. When I go over to the States I meet up with a friend who is vegetarian and she never seems to have a problem.

Kudos to your Tour Manager! :thumbup:

Can't say that Florida attracts me at all apart from being able to go to NASA. The one I want to do is National Parks and Little Big Horn but I can't get that amount of time off work. 😠

  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

What a great review!

What about the Miami tour would you tweak in particular?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi Bob

As you say maybe we just picked the wrong day for the Everglades....I think with any new tour there are things along the way that perhaps need tweaking here and there, I am sure from the response JY gets from the travellers plus the reps report that there might be some areas, that need a little tweak here and there I am sure things will be sorted given time. We all still had fun. Think the Americans still are in favour of the steaks and burger people they really do not get strange people like me...who don't eat animals...LOL

have fun in Costa Rica....that is not a destination on my radar...mores the pity..but we might cross paths one day.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

It would of been nice to go on the Miami tour bus of red double decker open topped buses and maybe be a tourist that way, I didn't get to see the beach either which if we were on that tour bus we might of seen it. Also I was expecting Horatio from CSI Miami to be waiting for me and he was not LOL .....we had no time to do the tour us ourself otherwise I would of.


Hello Cindy

Thank you for your review.

I too was on this trip and agree with everything Cindy has said.

Day 6. Heading to Miami definitely needs a big tweak!. Know what I mean Harry!.

Day 8 Not really a beach babe but enjoyed the time on the beach and my paddle. Glad that you and Linda enjoyed you speed boat I have a lovely picture of you both awaiting take off!! Wasn't it good to have some proper crockery knives and forks linen napkins at breakfast on days7/8/9?.

Day 9 enjoyed the everglades did see a crocodile just before we got off the boat. The suite at Naples great and to have places to eat and drink nearby.

Day 11 enjoyed the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford retreats and the boxed lunch for non vegetarians you did not miss anything.

On day 3 Kim did manage to get the photos down to eleven dollars

after bartering again at the end of the visit it was ok but not as good as the ones Kim took for us with our cameras.

Would like to add all the hotel rooms have an iron and ironing board

no kettles but something to make a cuppa of some sort. Not all the hotels have fridges should you need one for medication. and not all hotels have a safe in the room but have the facilities at reception.

Food portions are very large water no charge.

It was very hot and humid you will need deet insect spray sun cream a hat and water.

I met Cindy at last and lots of new fellow travellers.we had the best

tour guide for America nothing phased Kim Valencia (a few on our tour had met Kim on the golden West Tours) Kim's kindness care and organising skills where first class what a team with Vincent our driver he deserved a medal on that drive through Miami know what I mean Harry!!.

Yes it would have been nice to do the Miami bus tour sorry no Horatio instead we got Harry!.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I would really of preferred HORATIO to The nightmare that was HARRY!!!!!

I never want to see plastic cutlery or a paper plate or cup ever again.....this LADY!?!?!? Needs stainless steel and china.....

I think it was 3 hotels? That had fridges in, Lynda and I doubled up if we used a safe at reception. Do love an iron and ironing board in the rooms, nothing like getting some ironing done while I am away!!!

It was so nice to meet you Lillie And all the others I still think there were a few in the group I never did get to talk to that much, hope we bump Into one another along the journeys again one day.

Kim and Vincent were absolutely superb, Kim for just getting on and doing her job which she does VERY well, and Vincent Bless him, he might off served 33 years as a Marine, but he did well to survive HARRY.


  • (Member)
Another good reply! Although just one thing - I don't think DEET would be needed in Florida as DEET is only used in places with a risk of malaria. I think ordinary mosquito repellent should suffice, but I'm open to correction. I certainly wouldn't use a mossie repellent containing DEET unless I had to!



Hello Bob

When I go on a long haul tour I always take a deet spray as I normally get bittan to pieces!. However this time I was spared!. Some of the tour did get bitten especially at the Everglades where we had to spray ourselves and if it had been left in the hotel Kim had a big bottle of spray which she shared. Every day bites where compared and some really big and sore. I don't use it on short haul.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I think I won the contest for the biggest sorest bites, and they are still around mine normally take about 3 weeks to go away.

Bob, any mossy spray I get always has DEET in it still makes no difference to me but I do TRY!!!... They just love me and I don't even like them...


  • (Member)
Oh Cindy I feel for you! If you look at the back of the cans of mossie repellent (the Jungle brand in any case) it tells you to use their Home and Abroad version (no DEET) where there is no malaria risk and the Tropical version (50% DEET) where there is a risk. I'd avoid using DEET unless I absolutely had to - the fumes aren't good for your chest and it can take the surface off plastics and stain clothes if you're not careful. Just a thought Cindy, if you use the non-DEET version the next time your in a non-malaria zone, you might find the spray more effective? There a lots of varieties of mossies, so I presume the spray is designed to work best in its designated climate zone? I could be completely wrong on this, but maybe it's worth a try?!!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for that info I will bare..or is it bear.. it in mind for future travels!!!!!!! As I Really don't want to be a feeding station for the little blighters any more.


  • (Member)
I tried the non-Deet version in Italy recently and the little mossie in my room at night got me on the bridge of my nose. Guess I'd missed that bit. :dodgy:
Mel P
  • (Member)
Dear all

I was on a trip last year and met a lady who worked for Avon. She said that there is a body spray which is an effective mossie repellent (not advertised as such). I have bought some and will be trying out it out on my trip to Cilento. I will let you know how I get on

You might want to give it a go. At least you won't be reeking of deet.

Kind regards.


Ps. I have had a long day so if there are any spelling errors. I apologise now.

'nixon' wrote:

Florida Tour May 16th – 28th May 2013

This was a brand new tour, there were 39 people travelling + driver Vincent and Tour Manager Kim Valence. Ration 6 men I think the rest was ladies. Aged 26-75 I would think. Flights there and back were to time. Kim is a very experienced tour manager, and she is American so she met us out there. Vincent is an ex marine who has served the full 30 years and more so we were all in safe hands. The heat was over powering at times so please do think of that aspect and there are many hours on the coach moving from place to place. Also it is a good idea while in the USA to carry photo I.D. it does NOT have to be your passport.

I am glad I went on this tour it was good but there are some things that I hope are tweaked for future tours.

Day 2.Holiday Inn Express and Suites (Which is the 1st day really) (Day 1 is spent travelling. Seaworld this is worth doing, but if you want to go to another theme park that is your choice. I loved the Whales amazing. This is close to the hotel. This night I choose to eat at the Coral Buffet that is close by all you can eat buffet for approximately $12.00 including soft drink. There is a large chemist-come everything store close as well.

Day 3. Space Centre, is approx 1hr 15mins away, we had a good time, the lunch is well worth going to (not for vegetarians like me I didn’t fair well at all) it is a set lunch, the astronaut who was in attendance was J.F.Riley his Q and A session was very good. N.A.S.A I found very interesting which was a surprise to me. We left at 08.30am and got back at 18.30pm. The photo on offer is a group photo, and the cost is approximately $20.00, I did not get this.

Day 4. Hampton Inn Fort Lauderdale. On to Fort Lauderdale we made an ad hoc stop at Vero Beach for lunch and a quick look around very nice place. When we got to the hotel there were no eating-places near by so Kim arranged for the driver to take us into town to the Cheese Factory for a very nice meal.

Day 5. City tour around was OK, the weather was awful I am sure on a good day the sight seeing cruise would be fine.

Day 6. Heading to Miami (this needs tweaking with in my opinion) city tour, we did walk down Ocean Drive to see the art deco houses ending in Islamorada.

Day 7. Postcard Inn Beach Key Largo – Key West. Stunning setting right on the beach. Trip to Key west took the conch train around as was so hot I liked this place. Lots of shops and characters. Watched the sun go down over Battery Park. A really nice day out.

Day 8. Day Off!! Myself and a friend went on a Jet Boat which is something we have wanted to do, we did pay for a driver it cost $200.00 in total but there is room for 4 if you want to drive or 3 + driver. We were out for 2 hours going Fast and furious such a laugh. Loved it. Just got back in time to shower and go out for evening on a Paddle Boat with Live Music. This was nice and to see the sunset over the water. This was arranged through Kim and was a very nice idea from her.

Day 9. Everglades today this was a must for me, but to be honest a disappointment, as you are all on one fan boat and as there are so many whizzing around we saw only a few birds. There are other things to see around the place. You can hold a Croc 2 years old with your camera and pay $ 3.00. On to Naples. Hawthorn Suites. This was a great room well actually a suite Full Kitchen, Lounge, Bedroom, nice selection of places to eat near by, from Hooters!! To fine dinning Italian. No bar in hotel.

Day 10. Day Off! Kim got a trip to local area sorted for us to explore lunch out and shopping.

Day 11. Visit behind the scenes to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford retreats very interesting and a great photo opportunity. Boxed Lunch provided (again I did not fair well) onto Sarasota Hilton garden Inn.

Day 12. HOME!!!


Hello Cindy

I think your post gives a good summary of the tour. I enjoyed the holiday very much, such that I was spoiled for choice. Some of the features I Didn't get to do - jet ski, paddle with the Dolphins, kayak trip with Mark. These where all at Islamorda, so one tweak is more days there. Another tweak is I will have to go back.

Of the lows Harry wins hands down. The only interesting feature on this part (non Harry) were the gravity clock and the mounted policeman. A definite tweak, to delete a local tour guide and stay in the Miami area for that time. Anyway with Kim in charge why is there a need for any one else?

Everyglades, slightly disappointing.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Robert

Nice to see you posting on here!!!! You should of joined myself and Lynda on the jet boat or Kayak with Mark...OOO I had forgotten the mounted policeman! I was to slow in getting the camera out!...

Where do you have you eye on next for a holiday destination?


I have booked for Lake como in sept.

ANy info about this tour


'Robertg' wrote:


'nixon' wrote:

Florida Tour May 16th – 28th May 2013

This was a brand new tour, there were 39 people travelling + driver Vincent and Tour Manager Kim Valence. Ration 6 men I think the rest was ladies. Aged 26-75 I would think. Flights there and back were to time. Kim is a very experienced tour manager, and she is American so she met us out there. Vincent is an ex marine who has served the full 30 years and more so we were all in safe hands. The heat was over powering at times so please do think of that aspect and there are many hours on the coach moving from place to place. Also it is a good idea while in the USA to carry photo I.D. it does NOT have to be your passport.

I am glad I went on this tour it was good but there are some things that I hope are tweaked for future tours.

Day 2.Holiday Inn Express and Suites (Which is the 1st day really) (Day 1 is spent travelling. Seaworld this is worth doing, but if you want to go to another theme park that is your choice. I loved the Whales amazing. This is close to the hotel. This night I choose to eat at the Coral Buffet that is close by all you can eat buffet for approximately $12.00 including soft drink. There is a large chemist-come everything store close as well.

Day 3. Space Centre, is approx 1hr 15mins away, we had a good time, the lunch is well worth going to (not for vegetarians like me I didn’t fair well at all) it is a set lunch, the astronaut who was in attendance was J.F.Riley his Q and A session was very good. N.A.S.A I found very interesting which was a surprise to me. We left at 08.30am and got back at 18.30pm. The photo on offer is a group photo, and the cost is approximately $20.00, I did not get this.

Day 4. Hampton Inn Fort Lauderdale. On to Fort Lauderdale we made an ad hoc stop at Vero Beach for lunch and a quick look around very nice place. When we got to the hotel there were no eating-places near by so Kim arranged for the driver to take us into town to the Cheese Factory for a very nice meal.

Day 5. City tour around was OK, the weather was awful I am sure on a good day the sight seeing cruise would be fine.

Day 6. Heading to Miami (this needs tweaking with in my opinion) city tour, we did walk down Ocean Drive to see the art deco houses ending in Islamorada.

Day 7. Postcard Inn Beach Key Largo – Key West. Stunning setting right on the beach. Trip to Key west took the conch train around as was so hot I liked this place. Lots of shops and characters. Watched the sun go down over Battery Park. A really nice day out.

Day 8. Day Off!! Myself and a friend went on a Jet Boat which is something we have wanted to do, we did pay for a driver it cost $200.00 in total but there is room for 4 if you want to drive or 3 + driver. We were out for 2 hours going Fast and furious such a laugh. Loved it. Just got back in time to shower and go out for evening on a Paddle Boat with Live Music. This was nice and to see the sunset over the water. This was arranged through Kim and was a very nice idea from her.

Day 9. Everglades today this was a must for me, but to be honest a disappointment, as you are all on one fan boat and as there are so many whizzing around we saw only a few birds. There are other things to see around the place. You can hold a Croc 2 years old with your camera and pay $ 3.00. On to Naples. Hawthorn Suites. This was a great room well actually a suite Full Kitchen, Lounge, Bedroom, nice selection of places to eat near by, from Hooters!! To fine dinning Italian. No bar in hotel.

Day 10. Day Off! Kim got a trip to local area sorted for us to explore lunch out and shopping.

Day 11. Visit behind the scenes to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford retreats very interesting and a great photo opportunity. Boxed Lunch provided (again I did not fair well) onto Sarasota Hilton garden Inn.

Day 12. HOME!!!


Hello Cindy

I think your post gives a good summary of the tour. I enjoyed the holiday very much, such that I was spoiled for choice. Some of the features I Didn't get to do - jet ski, paddle with the Dolphins, kayak trip with Mark. These where all at Islamorda, so one tweak is more days there. Another tweak is I will have to go back.

Of the lows Harry wins hands down. The only interesting feature on this part (non Harry) were the gravity clock and the mounted policeman. A definite tweak, to delete a local tour guide and stay in the Miami area for that time. Anyway with Kim in charge why is there a need for any one else?

Everyglades, slightly disappointing.