  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have returned from a very hectic week in USA 18-26.Sept 2006, Boston and New England were so pretty bit to early for the FALL (Colours) of leaves, so much to see and do, New York so crowded and a hub of activity, what a difference, I did not go on tour to Empire State Building that was optional tour, I walked there and done my own thing which was nice not to be on time limit. I also paid for Helicopter ride, as I don't like flying this was a challange, but worth the money. There were 40 people in the group from approx 44 - 79, 35 ladies 5 gentlemen. we all got on so well together. Our tour guide Alan was fantastic, his knowledge was very good and had a sense of humour. Value for money, just need a few day's to recover when you get home. I am going to Australia in June 2007, and just seeing what else is in brochure there are so many that I would like to do. So if you are thinking of this holiday I would recommend it so much to see and do. Have FUN