  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vicki,

The final documents for this have just arrived, but once again I cannot find any information regarding the name of the Tour Manager, whether the TM will fly out with us, or meet us there, and contact details.  I may have missed it but I don't think so.  Can you fill in the gaps please?

Thank you


Hi Sylvia,

Apologies that you have not received this information, I'm checking this with our customer documentation team.

Your Tour Manager will be Greta Taumberger and she will be meeting you in Italy rather than travelling with you from the UK.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

Apologies that you have not received this information, I'm checking this with our customer documentation team.

Your Tour Manager will be Greta Taumberger and she will be meeting you in Italy rather than travelling with you from the UK.

Many thanks,


Thank you Vicki.
