Avocet, I'm not sure I get what you're saying. I could read great offence into it but I will choose not to.
May I remind you that it was you who brought this subject up in the first place, and to quote a sentence from one of your posts "I still do think star ratings are an unnecessary addition to the Community and hope JY will find a way to remove them from the system in due course". So why, when someone agrees with you on a subject, but expresses it in a different way, would it cross your mind it could be offensive?
As far as I am concerned stars belong in the classroom, not on the JY forum. People already express their thanks for reassurance, helpful information, good ideas and good reviews without the need of stars, is that not good enough?
ALL contributions to the forum have a value, no matter how much we might like to agree or disagree with what people have to say, and regardless as to whether people can spell, use the correct grammar, punctuation etc. etc. Whether they write a lengthy review, or just a couple of lines on any subject, it is always helpful to other people.
Peoples posts should not be judged by how many marks out of 10 they get or, as in this case, stars out of 5. Who are we that we can sit in judgement of others efforts? Some are better at writing than others, but everyone does their best, and that is all that is important. I am probably totally wrong as I don't really understand what they are, but I always thought the Hot Threads were there to show which threads are popular by some means of a count. I personally have no idea of how to give someone a star and have no interest in finding out.
Maybe if I had said "I agree with Bob" you would have had a different view, but everyone has their own way in expressing their thoughts. I choose to express my view on a subject in my way, just like you choose yours and others theirs, it doesn't make any of us better than the next person, the reward of a thanks should be all you need.