  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

thank the IT team for sorting out the payment site, as I now can use my Barclays debit card and pay varied amounts.

Secondly could you tell me how many people are booked on the

Athens, Olympia and the Corinth Coast trip for the 5th October and age range , men to women etc. And is it cleared to run.

Thanks again and sorry for the moans and groans over the time since the new site has been running.

  • (Member)
Hi Sim1

I will indeed pass on your thanks - and in turn I'm going to thank you and the wider community for firstly being so patient with us while the team iron out bugs on the new site and secondly for highlighting them. Despite a lot of testing before it went live, there were still a few issues that you identified and our team were able to address. We are very lucky to have just a great community who tell not only what we do right, but also where improvements can be made.

In terms of Athens, Olympia and the Corinth Coast for the 5th October has been cleared to operate, and there are currently 12 travellers booked. The group is made up of 5 men and 7 women with ages from mid-30s through to early-80s. Please ask me again for an update on the numbers as I'm sure these will change before you depart.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Having seen SIM1s post I tried again to pay an instalment on my holiday. Still no success. Perhaps IT team could try to resolve this for me too!!



Hi sim1,

I am booked on this tour, so I am delighted to hear that it has now been cleared to go. Thanks Julia!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, it's always good to hear the trip is a go.

The speed this year is whizzing past it won't be long before we go.

So see you soon Toni

All the Best Sim1

AKA Simon