  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I went onto the website today looking to book the above holiday for 15th October 2015 which according to my diary is a Thursday, but the website states it's a Wednesday. Which is correct? If it departs on Wednesday 14th instead it means I'll have to book an extra day off work before I can book the holiday. Please can you confirm the Newcastle departure is still operating as this is the main reason for me booking this holiday.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

I can confirm that it is the 15th October and as far as I can see, there are flights from Newcastle available!

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thanks for confirming the date, it shows as Thursday on the first screen, then changes it to Wednesday, my booking document also shows Wednesday so it must just be a glitch with the system.

I've booked it all anyway so I've got another holiday to look forward to now. I've booked both trips as I've wanted to visit Alhambra palace for a long time and I love Gibraltar.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

I'm glad you've managed to get it all booked ok - I do hope you have a wonderful time.

I'm not a fan of having a 'glitch' in the system, so I have the team investigating this. Would it be possible for you to take a photo of the booking document where it is listed as the Wednesday and send it to me ( so we can find the source of this odd date?

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I've sent you a copy of my booking confirmation.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Can you confirm you received my e-mailed booking confirmation please. I've not received anything through the post regarding my booking yet, which is unusual, and I'm just wondering if I will be receiving anything.

Could you also let me know how long it takes to get to Gibraltar from our hotel, and roughly how long we will be spending in Gibraltar (including how much free time there may be), it's just I've been before but I really fancy visiting the caves this time if I get the chance.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

Sorry for the delay in coming back to you, I can see that an invoice has been raised. If you still have not received anything, please let me know and I will get a copy sent out to you.

In terms of the excursion, it is about 1hr30m to get to Gibraltar from the hotel but this is dependent on local conditions such as traffic. The group will have a guided visit that lasts approx. 1.5 – 2 hours and features St. Michaels Cave. As Gibraltar is a full day excursion, there will also be some free time.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thanks for the reply, I've still not received anything through the post as yet.

Regarding the excursion, that's great news, I'm really looking forward to this holiday now.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Please could you respond to my query regarding this booking as I booked it FOUR weeks ago tomorrow and I have had NOTHING through the post to confirm I'm booked on this holiday, furthermore, you still have not got back to me about my e-mail booking confirmation showing the wrong departure date.

I was so looking forward to this holiday, and eagerly awaiting my postal confirmation so I knew it was definitely booked, but I'm not even looking forward to it at all anymore as I don't know if I am going or not. I would expect far better customer service than this, even with being an established customer.


  • (Member)
Hi Magpie10,

I am very sorry for the delay in coming back to you. I have to hold my hands up and apologise that I missed your post from last week. I have been up and spoken to our customer care team who are going to contact you directly and also arrange for another copy of the invoice to be sent out to you. In relation to the confirmation email, this is still being investigated by the team.

Kindest regards


I went on this trip in February this year and think in retrospect that it was too early in the season as the Hotel was operating with what seemed a skeleton staffing level. When visiting Malaga the weather was very pleasant but up in the foothills where Mijas is located there was a cold wind blowing constantly. If you go on the visit to Rhonda, be warned it is very high up in the mountaibs and can get extremely cold. i was not warned of this sufficiently by a very careless Tour Manager and consequently suffered dreadfully for several hours with the effects of the cold and windy conditions. Better still give the Rhonda visit a miss. Believe me you are not missing much. I did not go to Gibralter but several people reported on their return that they were not impressed. Granada and the Alhambra Palace are well worth the visit
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thanks for that. I've had an e-mail from Yvonne with my holiday details and ATOL certificate attached and have printed them out.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

That's great, again, I'm sorry for missing your post last week.

Kindest regards,


Sorry I have to disagree with the advice to miss Rhonda, especially as you will be there in October. I went at the beginning of October two years ago. The weather was warm and sunny, comfortable for t-shirts and shorts. The drive to Rhonda is through some stunning mountain scenery, and the town itself is beautiful, with several historic sights. For me it was one of the highlights of the holiday.
  • (Member)
Hi Caroline, this was my first JY holiday back in 2010 and therefore it is a major reason why I started to use JY for all my holidays! I cannot dispute Donjames' comments regarding going in February, as I went in September and it was a great time to go, very warm and sunny throughout. However I would just like to say, be sure you visit Ronda - it is in a fantastic location overlooking a gorge and you will see some amazing views if you do this excursion. I really enjoyed the day trip to Gibraltar and it was one of the highlights of the tour for me - better than the trip to the Alhambra which I thought was overrated! Each to their own, I suppose!

Hope you have a great tour after the admin hiccups,

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

I have visited Ronda and Gibraltar previously, and at the beginning of February (I was there for a friend's big birthday party, hence going in February), and whilst the weather was a bit colder, it was still fine for me and I always take a cardigan/fleece and waterproof jacket when on trips out. I loved both Ronda and Gibraltar and look forward to going again to see things I missed first time round.

My main reason for choosing this holiday (apart from the local flight) was that I wanted to visit Alhambra Palace, so I'm hoping this lives up my expectations. I'm also looking forward to visiting other parts of this area whilst on this holiday that I haven't visited before, so I'm really looking forward to it.



  • (Member)
I agree with Bob and Sarah. Ronda is not to be missed. I went in December and it was warm and sunny. Mijas was cool on one day and a fleece is advisable. For me Ronda and Nerja were the highlights with Mijas a delight. I was glad I saw the Alhambra and Granada but the Alhambra visit in particular felt rushed although the views were stunning. Have a great trip Caroline
  • (Member)
Like Bob, this was my first JY holiday and I thought it was fantastic. The highlights for me were the Alhambra and Ronda. I went in September so it was warm but coming from a very changeable climate I rarely go anywhere without layers... just in case! On any free day you can take the train from Fuengirola to Malaga and have a look around there if the weather is too cool to enjoy the pool area. Mijas itself is a really pleasant hilltop town for a wander around.

I hope you have a great time.


Jennifer D
Hi, I'm flying from Belfast on 15th too. It's my first holiday like this in every respect! I'm excited and nervous. I hope I won't be disappointed with the Alhambra tour as I have always wanted to see it.

Is there anyone else flying from Belfast?