  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't received a brochure, I will get another copy in the post to you.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks, at last got the brochure this week, so many thanks. By the way can you let me know how many men/women are booked on the 8th September trip to Costa de la Luz?

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

Great to hear that a brochure has arrived with you.

In terms of numbers - there are 24 confirmed travellers and the group is currently made up of 2 men and 22 women.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Great to hear that a brochure has arrived with you.

In terms of numbers - there are 24 confirmed travellers and the group is currently made up of 2 men and 22 women.

Kindest regards,


Julia, thanks for letting me know about numbers going, it seems we have to persuade more men to book this great holiday. So come on you MEN, make the numbers up and book this summer holiday.

John from Durham
The Global explorer tour looks amazing, I,m definately interested in that, are there many booked onto it ?
  • (Member)
Hi John,

I agree - I think it looks great. I can tell you that there are currently 3 travellers booked on this trip.

Kindest regards,
