• (Member)
Hi All

Apologies for going AWOL - I've got auditors in at work:s

Having read everyone's thoughts, it looks like the four of us (Bob, Mike, Sally and me) are up for the Geothermal heli tour on our last morning in Iceland - Thursday 19th March - this is subject to Julia confirming our last day schedule.

The tour is 44,900ISK which on today's rate is £223 for 40-75 minutes. It runs from Reykjavik Domestic airport and we have to make our own arrangements to get there but a taxi between four of us shouldn't be too pricey. They don't advertise the departure time on the website but they run one morning and one afternoon tour each day.

The only issue is that they need a minimum of two booked at once (they can take up to eight). My solution, if everyone is willing and in agreement, is that I book online for all four of us using my credit card and you all settle up with me in English cash on arrival. Does that work for you?

I'll just wait for Julia to confirm our final day details and for your agreement to all of the above before I go ahead and book it if that's ok?

Finally, someone mentioned a whale watching tour - has anyone looked into that or are we just going to wait until arrival and sort it out with the TM depending on the weather and tour schedule?

7 weeks to go!


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy,

So, the provisional flight time is 16:30. The group will leave the hotel approximately 3 hours before the flight which means that travellers would leave the hotel at about 13:30.

However, and I will stress this - flight times at the moment are provisional and all final flight information would be included in your final documentations.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mandy

That sounds great to me - and thank you for organising this. From Julia's timings it looks possible.  which is 8500ISK (£42) for 3 hours departing the old harbour at 1pm. I was going to book a ticket online around a fortnight before we go - the boats are quite big so I don't think there would be a problem with getting tickets when we arrive but I don't fancy risking it. I don't think we need a hotel pick up as it may be possible to get dropped off at the harbour at the end of our city tour. It is also walkable in around 30mins (ish) by the look of it. If the weather is bad we will get a refund as we won't be able to so an alternative date.

Starting to get really excited now! We have an amazing trip lined up.


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy,

That's sounds fine to me, providing the geothermal flight is early enough to get us back to the hotel in time to meet with the rest of the group - perhaps if you contact the website they could advise you of the likely flight time that day? Probably better off waiting to book until we get our final flight details about 2 weeks before we go, what do you think? If we book, I'll get sterling for you, as I'm in the eurozone - unfortunately for me the exchange rate is horrendous at the moment, only around 74p to the euro, whereas a couple of years ago it was 90p. If this continues, I'm going to have to cut back on the amount of holidays I take!!

Best wishes,


PS hope the audit went well!!

  • (Member)
Hi All

I've e-mailed the helicopter company to check the take off schedule and will let you know. I also agree that we should wait for our final JY documents and travel schedule before booking (got my fingers, and purse, burned by booking flight connections before finding out the final flights times for China!)

Bob- I forgot you were in Eire. Don't worry - you can settle with me in Euros because I go over to France quite a bit from here so they will soon be used up!

Sally - I'll follow your lead on the whales - sounds like a plan!

Another question for you Julia - a colleague of mine recently came back from a break in Iceland and mentioned that when she went to the Blue Lagoon, she and her party had to take their own towels and flip flops. She also mentioned that she thought there was an upgrade package with which towels, bathrobes and flip flops were provided. Do you know if that is included in our optional excursion price or should we pack extra towels etc?

Have a nice weekend everyone!


  • (Member)
Hello again everyone

Great news from Gisli (our potential helicopter pilot). The airfield is less than 10 minutes by taxi from our hotel. On 19th, take off time will be 8am, the trip will be between an hour and 90 minutes, so we should be back at the hotel before 10am.

Alternatively, there is a 17.00 departure on 16th March (day 2) or a 15.00 on 17th March (day 3)

I think my vote is for the last morning, but the only downside of course is that if the weather is bad on that day, we risk missing out. Let me know what you think.

All the best


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy,

Just to address the question aimed at me - I'm just waiting on a response from our overseas team will come back to you asap.

I have been to the Blue Lagoon and I am aware that there are a variety of packages available, I'm just waiting to hear which one is included on this trip.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I'm easy either way (can you have "either way" when there are three options.....?). Day 3 1500 hrs could be an option (sunset will be 7.30pm according to my app). In an earlier post Julia said we would be back 2pm from the Blue Lagoon (which means the whale watching would have to be Day 2) but maybe packing in both into one day might be a bit much after having had a city tour / whale watching / dinner out the previous day? Once we get the final flight details we should have a more accurate idea of the weather forecast to see what is happening although from what I've heard Iceland has all weather types in a 24 hour period so forecasts might not be helpful! Anyway, only six weeks to go now. Yippee!


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy, many thanks for all your investigating and I definitely think the last morning at 8am would be the best time to go! I'm very happy for you to book it and many thanks that I can pay you in euro, we'll work out the exchange rate when we get there!

Sally, that sounds like a plan for the whale watching - again if you are happy to book it, I'll settle up with you when we get there.

Thanks to you both,

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy,

Just to confirm, there is a towel included in the Blue Lagoon excursion but NOT a bathrobe or slippers.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

Many thanks for this - I will pack flip flops accordingly. Not so worried about the bath robe - I don't mind showing Bob and Sally my flabby bits if they'll show me theirs :D

Bob, Sally and Mike

Agreed, I think we would be trying to cram too much in if we go for the afternoon of Day 3. Let's stick with the 8am Day 5 plan and leave the weather in the hands of the Norse Gods!

I'll go back to Gisli and ask him if it is possible to provisionally book the Geothermal Tour for the four of us, and then confirm and pay when we get our final details from JY in a few weeks. I'll let you know how I get on.

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sounds like a plan Mandy. Shall I book your whale watching trip and take the cost out of what I will owe you for the helicopter?

As for seeing my flabby bits - beware what you wish for - it may be considered another whale watching trip.......

  • (Member)
Thanks Mandy and Sally - I'm in two minds about having a dip at the Blue Lagoon considering the likely temperature out of the water! I might ask the TM if there is an option to wander around the area taking photos instead as it looks quite scenic. Neither of you would be thrilled to see me in my swimming gear either!



  • (Member)
Although not on this tour, with all the tours I have been on I only took the swimming costume on one tour and that was the add on Kenya part.

I can assure you NO one needs to see me either,I to would be a contender for a harpoon alert I feel these days...

I must say on the tours I have done many people do take the opportunity where offered to swim, JY travellers are a hardy bunch..

Like you Bob I prefer a wander, and if there's a drink and cake even better!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

I must admit that this was my first thought - I'd rather wander round with my camera and have a hot chocolate but then I was wondering whether I would be missing one of those 'must-do' things. I know I would have regretted not going into the Red Sea if I hadn't done it. I think I'll wait til we get there to make up my mind.


  • (Member)
Hi Sally,

Good point! I've been in hot springs before and experienced the Dead Sea twice, so don't think I'd be missing too much, but perhaps I'll change my mind when we get there - I'll see what the TM and local guide suggest!

So looking forward to our few days away!



  • (Member)
Hi Sally & Bob,

Like you, I'll wait 'till I get there to make my mind up about the Blue Lagoon. It sounds like one of those 'must do' things, so I'll pack my swimming trunks and reserve judgement.

Looking forward to meeting you on 15th



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I had a look at Trip Advisor to see what else there was to do at the Blue Lagoon and found the following comments:-

'There is a good outside area for walking in the beautiful lavafields and enjoying the blue lake outside. There is a viewing platform, if you want to keep an eye on your friends and you can have your own spa treatment without going into the public area. Then of course there are the cafeteria or the restaurant'

'The Blue Lagoon is truly a unique experience. As far as visiting without entering the water itself....I would say no. You can walk around and see the lagoon, but there's not much to see other than the water. I do recommend it.'

I might split the difference - take a short dip to say I've done it, then spend time walking around taking photos.

  • (Member)
Hi Sally, that sounds like a good idea, but I think it'll depend on the weather for me as well - it's warmer than here at the moment but very wet! I wonder will there be snow when we go? It's about 8C at the moment, unseasonably mild!



  • (Member)
Just go for the dip, its great fun, you can use your locker tag to buy drinks and ice cream from the bar which is in the pool itself, and pay on exit, also don't worry about what you look like, in some parts if its really cold out its so steamy no one can see you.

You will really miss a great experience if you stick to the viewing platform.

Went on the new year trip 2012/2013, and this was one of the highlights.

So Blue Lagoon, just go for a dip you won't be sorry