Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, theres seems to be a gremlin in the works with online booking for Hinkley Ny, whats up? more importantly, when will it be fixed! 🙂
  • (Member)
Hi Puer,

Can you tell me where you seem to be experiencing a problem?

I've just managed to go through the process OK, so I am unable to replicate any problems.

If you can let me know, I will raise the issue with our IT department.

Many thanks


Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia, when I tried it a few days ago it went to a 'not available' page, with the option of sending an email enquiry. This I did, then got an email from 'Craig Styles' on 2nd July, asking for my phone number (which I didnt give origanally as I wanted to correspond by email!!!!) I gave in and emailed back my number, and he called me on Wednesday and said the site was down and inferred it would be down for a long time. He did seem keen for me to book over the phone (which I dont really like doing) but I put him off only with agreeing for him to call me on Saturday. If it is OK and you can book online I'll do that. Could you ask 'Craif' not to call me on Saturday, I'll post a message if there are any further problems. His email to me is pasted below for info:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for emailing me, please can you email me with a contact number, so I can call you.

Kind regards

Craig Styles

Contact Centre Advisor

T: 01858 415407 Ext 8540(TOUR)

T:01858 581640 Ext 8540(CRUISE)


Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia, further to my last email, I tried booking online again and it was the same, didnt work.

I clicked on the 'Departures' tab, then clicked on the 'book now' tab, and it automatically went to a page saying,

"sorry, this tour is not currently available to book online. Please complete the booking enquiry form below and one of our advisers will contact you.............etc, etc"

That's what happenned last time and prompted the email and phone call from Craig.

I don't like booking over the phone so would rather book online once it's working.



Julie L
How many people have booked for this new year trip to Hinckley? And have anyone added another night on extra?
  • (Member)
Hi Julie L

At the moment there are 10 confirmed on this date, from what I can see no one has opted for the extra night....yet!

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'Puer wrote:

Hi Julia, further to my last email, I tried booking online again and it was the same, didnt work.

I clicked on the 'Departures' tab, then clicked on the 'book now' tab, and it automatically went to a page saying,

"sorry, this tour is not currently available to book online. Please complete the booking enquiry form below and one of our advisers will contact you.............etc, etc"

That's what happenned last time and prompted the email and phone call from Craig.

I don't like booking over the phone so would rather book online once it's working.



Thanks for this PA,

I'll forward all of this on to our IT team to investigate. I can't see a valid reason why you can't book this tour online. Would you also be able to tell me what browser you are using?

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Hi Julia, further to my last email, I tried booking online again and it was the same, didnt work.

I clicked on the 'Departures' tab, then clicked on the 'book now' tab, and it automatically went to a page saying,

"sorry, this tour is not currently available to book online. Please complete the booking enquiry form below and one of our advisers will contact you.............etc, etc"

That's what happenned last time and prompted the email and phone call from Craig.

I don't like booking over the phone so would rather book online once it's working.



Thanks for this PA,

I'll forward all of this on to our IT team to investigate. I can't see a valid reason why you can't book this tour online. Would you also be able to tell me what browser you are using?

Kindest regards,



Being nosey I thought I would have a look at this, and it is odd. I can book on line with my iPad (Mercury browser) and MacBook (Firefox), but I would not want to. It starts off as 3 days, then gradually changes to 2 than 1. Finding it is difficult. Searching for Hinckley comes up with nothing. It eventually appears as a UK New Year celebration. It seems as though the IT people need to have a look.


  • (Member)
How strange, perhaps the Gremlins are at work. I always book a tour over the phone, I have never made a booking inline, but I often pay the balance off online...


Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Hi Julia, further to my last email, I tried booking online again and it was the same, didnt work.

I clicked on the 'Departures' tab, then clicked on the 'book now' tab, and it automatically went to a page saying,

"sorry, this tour is not currently available to book online. Please complete the booking enquiry form below and one of our advisers will contact you.............etc, etc"

That's what happenned last time and prompted the email and phone call from Craig.

I don't like booking over the phone so would rather book online once it's working.



Thanks for this PA,

I'll forward all of this on to our IT team to investigate. I can't see a valid reason why you can't book this tour online. Would you also be able to tell me what browser you are using?

Kindest regards,


Hi, now your getting technical! Windows Internet Explorer, then Google for just you website.


Julie L
Hi wills, how many are on the Hinckley new year get together & how many are on the Swindon, can't make my mind up which one to go for. Thanks
  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

At the moment there are 10 booked on the New Year Celebrations in Hinckley and 3 booked on the New Year in Wiltshire trip.

It is still very early days for these trips.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi PA,

Thanks for this, it was the IE part I was after 🙂

I'll get the team to investigate asap.



  • (Member)
I too always book over the phone. I find this suits me better as I can then ask any questions I may have and get instant response.


Mick W
  • (Member)

This problem is still there and it isn't just Hinkley, if i select any holiday (tried 5 different hols) and select the date it comes up with a message asking me to telephone.


  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

I have the IT team investigating it still and I'm nagging them every morning for an update!

It seems to be an intermittent problem, but we have managed to replicate it and they guys are trying to get to the bottom of what is causing it.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi All,

I can confirm that our IT team have rolled out a fix on the booking engine that has resolved the issue that some of you were experiencing in booking your holiday online.

They have done both pre and post-launch testing and can no longer replicate the problem.

If you encounter any further problems, please don't hesitate to come back to me and let me know!

Kindest regards,


PA. I hope it works for you now! :thumbup:

A warning though. If I can get the cats fixed up with lodgings I may well book this. 😃

Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

PA. I hope it works for you now! :thumbup:

A warning though. If I can get the cats fixed up with lodgings I may well book this. :D

Hi BC,

I was originally thinking about this trip as a change, as normally I don't bother with NY Eve, done all in my younger days. Thewn I started thinking about somewhere hot and thought, I might as well go back to Sydney for Christmas and New Year!

New Years Eve Sydney Harbour Bridge Fireworks vs a Hinckley Hotel, ..... not really much of a contest! :cool:

So I'm off to Sydney, cold beers, hot barbies, just hope the UK has its worst winter ever! 😛
