Marion F
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Hi Julia

This is my first JY trip, departing 27th October. Could you tell me how many people are going, the age range, and m/f ratio?

Who is the tour manager?

I'm not sure what clothes to rake, as I understand it will be hot and humid, but that you should wear long sleeves and trousers because of mosquitoes.

Thanks very much.


  • (Member)
Hi Marion,

This trip currently has 20 travellers booked (only 4 places left) and is made up of 5 men,15 women. In terms of ages there is a mix starting from mid-forties through to early seventies.

The Tour Manager provisionally allocated to this trip is Judith (Judy) Davies.

In terms of clothing you're travelling on the cusp of the wet/dry season so you may find that comfortable loose-fitting clothing will help with the heat and humidity and lightweight long sleeves and trousers would certainly help keep the mossies at bay. I'd recommend that you also pack a hat to keep the sun off your face, and lightweight anorak in case you do encounter some wet weather.

Kindest regards,


Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Marion,

This trip currently has 20 travellers booked (only 4 places left) and is made up of 5 men,15 women. In terms of ages there is a mix starting from mid-forties through to early seventies.

The Tour Manager provisionally allocated to this trip is Judith (Judy) Davies.

In terms of clothing you're travelling on the cusp of the wet/dry season so you may find that comfortable loose-fitting clothing will help with the heat and humidity and lightweight long sleeves and trousers would certainly help keep the mossies at bay. I'd recommend that you also pack a hat to keep the sun off your face, and lightweight anorak in case you do encounter some wet weather.

Kindest regards,


Thanks very much for your help, Julia.

I've noticed on the Foreign Office website that there are a couple of places in Cambodia that you must not travel to, and also that there has been terrorist activity in Phonm Penh. Are the 'no go' areas anywhere near where we're meant to be going?



  • (Member)
Hi Marion,

Please accept my apologies in coming back to you, I have been informed that our overseas department listen to the advice given by the FCO, ABTA and liase with our overseas agents to ensure that we are able to make informed decisions as to whether or not a holiday will operate.

At the moment the areas that the FCO are advising against travel to are not part of the Cambodia itinerary. We have not been advised against travel to Phomn Penh but obviously will continue to monitor the situation closely speaking regularly with our ground team. When travel plans are likely to be affected, customers will be contacted in a timely manner and advised accordingly.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Marion,

I really enjoyed the few days we had in Cambodia, it is a wonderful country and the people have a great spirit. Phnom Penh is a beautiful city and wait till you see the Royal Palaces! I know that JY wouldn't bring you anywhere near any trouble spots and they use excellent local guides who will obviously be completely up to date with whatever is happening. As you know, trouble can flare up anywhere in the world these days, even at home, but I'm sure the chances of the tour getting caught up in any difficulties are very slim indeed.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!


Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Marion,

I really enjoyed the few days we had in Cambodia, it is a wonderful country and the people have a great spirit. Phnom Penh is a beautiful city and wait till you see the Royal Palaces! I know that JY wouldn't bring you anywhere near any trouble spots and they use excellent local guides who will obviously be completely up to date with whatever is happening. As you know, trouble can flare up anywhere in the world these days, even at home, but I'm sure the chances of the tour getting caught up in any difficulties are very slim indeed.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!


Thanks very much for your help, Julia and Bob.


  • (Member)
Hi Marion I have just returned from this trip so thought I would give you some info in response to the things you have raised. There were no signs of any trouble in Cambodia or Phnom Penh & we walked around PP without any problems.

We had no problems with mossies. I was in shorts all day & just used Deet spray & as far as I'm aware no one in the group got bitten by them.

The weather is hot & humid & we had rain sometimes very heavy late afternoon/early evening so take a small umbrella with you although as you are going later than us you may get better weather.

On some of the trips to Palaces & temples shoulders & knees need to be covered & some of the women took a light ling sleeve top to slip on. For men it was more relaxed & shorts at the knees were fine.

The holiday was superb & I'm sure you'll have a great time. You'll especially enjoy the drive from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh if it is anything like we had. I won't spoil the surprise for you !!!

Have a great time. Keith.

Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'KeithH' wrote:

Hi Marion I have just returned from this trip so thought I would give you some info in response to the things you have raised. There were no signs of any trouble in Cambodia or Phnom Penh & we walked around PP without any problems.

We had no problems with mossies. I was in shorts all day & just used Deet spray & as far as I'm aware no one in the group got bitten by them.

The weather is hot & humid & we had rain sometimes very heavy late afternoon/early evening so take a small umbrella with you although as you are going later than us you may get better weather.

On some of the trips to Palaces & temples shoulders & knees need to be covered & some of the women took a light ling sleeve top to slip on. For men it was more relaxed & shorts at the knees were fine.

The holiday was superb & I'm sure you'll have a great time. You'll especially enjoy the drive from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh if it is anything like we had. I won't spoil the surprise for you !!!

Have a great time. Keith.

Thanks very much for this, Keith.

I don't like surprises, and if it is something pleasant, I would much rather have the pleasure of anticipating it!


Marion F
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'KeithH' wrote:

Hi Marion I have just returned from this trip so thought I would give you some info in response to the things you have raised. There were no signs of any trouble in Cambodia or Phnom Penh & we walked around PP without any problems.

We had no problems with mossies. I was in shorts all day & just used Deet spray & as far as I'm aware no one in the group got bitten by them.

The weather is hot & humid & we had rain sometimes very heavy late afternoon/early evening so take a small umbrella with you although as you are going later than us you may get better weather.

On some of the trips to Palaces & temples shoulders & knees need to be covered & some of the women took a light ling sleeve top to slip on. For men it was more relaxed & shorts at the knees were fine.

The holiday was superb & I'm sure you'll have a great time. You'll especially enjoy the drive from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh if it is anything like we had. I won't spoil the surprise for you !!!

Have a great time. Keith.

Hi again Keith

Just another quick question, the nurse at my travel clinic has said that I must take Malarone tablets as we will be going through high risk areas for malaria around the borders of Cambodia with Thailand and Vietnam, especially in Battambang. Did many of your group take malaria tablets?

Thanks again


  • (Member)
Hi Marion in respect of the malaria risk when I looked into it there seemed to a lot of conflicting info about the area. From talking to people in our group I would say about 60% took Malarone. I think it is really down to what each person feels comfortable with but definitely take spray with at least 50% Deet content.

Now the roads are not what you would call a pleasant experience. At times they were flooded but still passable. Then there were the potholers lots & lots of them. Of course they may have repaired them but as Cambodia is a very poor country I doubt it very much. However our driver was brilliant & managed to negotiate around them most of the time but it was a bit bumpy at times. Still one of our group did manage to sleep through the entire journey!! The rest of us just treated it as a bit of a fun adventure.

Main thing with this trip is simply to enjoy or at least experience all the variety it has to offer.

Have fun Keith.

Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks very much again, Keith.
