Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I'm thinking about a new year trip this year instead of being boring and just going to bed. Can't decide between somewhere in UK or europe, thinking of Paris.

Could you just give me some rough info (I realise it could all change) on the times of the eurostar from the Uk, and the times it arrives back in the UK.

Also, how many are presently on this trip, the M/F demographic, and if its a popular trip and likely to become full.

That shouldn't take you too long! 😉

  • (Member)

The Eurostar times from and to St Pancras are currently listed as;

Leave UK 30/12/13: 12:24

Arrive UK 02/02/14: 17:36

As you said, these are subject to change and would be confirmed in the final information,

At the moment there are 12 travellers booked (1m/11f), last year this trip sold out and only had 3 places left the year before, so I would imagine that it would be just as popular again this year.

Kindest regards,


Puer aeternus
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia, thats most useful.

Now I need to gamble on whether the french do their usual 'going on strike' at that time of year, or there's going to be another snow storm, ash cloud, cancelling trains, etc, etc!
