  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

just wondering about paying the holiday balance online, does your online payment system involve a instant automated email reply to confirm payment has been accepted and gone through

Thank you


  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

I will find out for you - the person who looks after all of the online balance payments has left for the day so I will speak to him first thing in the morning.

Kindest regards,


Apropos of this Julia. I normally pay by cheque and have had the £10 cheque processing fee already added to my balance. It looks though as though I will have to pay my balance online as I am unable because of work issues to get a cheque raised at my building society until right on the balance payment date. (bit complicated sorry:s) If I pay online will it still show that I owe the £10 if I take the £10 transaction fee off the payment? Sorry to be a pain :blush:
  • (Member)
Dave - yes, you should receive an email confirming payment. If you have paid your balance online and not received this, if you can send me your booking reference number I will look in to this for you.

Bosuncat - good question, can you send me your booking reference number and I will speak to the relevant team.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia - balance not due for another six weeks or so as off to Australia on the 13th November, I recall paying the deposit online and ended up paying three times so shall have to be careful with the full balance, may just use the computer in work rather than my laptop as is more reliable for things like this as heard always a job to get through by phone

regards Dave

Hi Julia. My booking ref is A********.


  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

I've raised the question with one of my colleagues and will let you know as soon as I have an answer.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

So, in answer to your original question, yes the £10 admin fee would have shown if you were going to pay by cheque as this was added to the original booking. However, my colleague has removed this charge from your account so if you pay online you won't be charged the admin fee.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Julia. I shall be paying online within the next couple of days.