  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

As the Indian government have now banned tourists from the tiger reserves- how will this effect our tour as we were due to visit one during two days of the holiday.Also -has a tour manager been chosen yet.



  • (Member)
Good afternoon,

Thanks for getting in touch.

The current ban is due to be challenged in court on August 22nd, we will be monitering the situation as the ban could be lifted before our any of our tours depart, if it is lifted then no tours will be affected, if the court decides to continue the ban for whatever reason then the customers will be contacted as soon as we know more.

Your Tour Manager has not yet been allocated, this will happen with the next 3 weeks, please feel free to contact me again around then and I'll be able to tell you,

I hope this helps,

