  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Having received my final holiday info Im a bit worried about times of flights I leave Edin 16 45 arrive Heathrow 18 10 Flight Air China is 2025 It then states you have to be in Heathrow 3hrs before flight my connecting flight leaves only 2 15 mins thats before collecting baggage or any delay Can you put my mind at ease please Sylvie

  • (Member)
Hi Sylvie

I wouldn't worry about missing your flight as 2hr 15 is quite a long time. Your baggage will probably be checked straight through to your main flight, so as long as you don't have a huge delay you will be absolutely fine.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Sylvie,

I did the same trip with the same flights in July and the timings were absolutely fine. In Edinburgh ask to have your luggage checked through to Beijing and you only need to catch the shuttle to Terminal 3, which is well signposted. There was no queue at Air China when I got there and that was mid-summer. It is a wonderful trip so relax and enjoy!
