  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm Rosemarie. I am 47 years old and am just contemplating the idea of going on my first holiday, perhaps early next year to somewhere scenic.

My Mother recently died and she was my holiday companion, so now I need to pluck up the courage to start going on holiday on my own.

Can anyone in a similar dilemma reassure me that it will be ok and that I will not be a "wallflower"? Also, what holiday would other previous holiday-makers recommend.

Hope the be able to carry this forward and make the first move but need that extra bit of courage. Thanks

  • (Member)

There is no way you will be a wallflower....

I have posted holiday stories or testimonials, cant remember which regarding holidays I have done with JY to Poland this year and New York Boston and New England Last year.

It is fine everybody gels together really quickley.

I enjoyed BOTH these holidays great people and fantastic places to visit. I have tried to Book up Australia , Pyramids, and another USA holiday but have not been able to sort them out.for one reason on another. I really to think you should choose a holiday for where you would like to go, and then book it. I find the people so interesting and make a point of chatting to one and all. You will have a great time I am sure.

For the USA Holiday I went to the meal the night before, so that ment not everyone was a new face on travel day, but for Poland I just joined on the flight day and everything was fine either way.

Hi Rosemary,

Last year I was in the same position as you - my husband died - and as I do

love my holidays I sent for the Just You Brochure. I went on a cruise

round Italy las October which was fabulous I met fellow travellers at the

airport and everyone got on really well and it was a fairly mixed age group.

As a result I went on another holiday to Athens and Greek Islands last

March and met more nice people. You have no need to worry! I'm so

confident now that I'm going to America next March!

Forget all your inhibitionsand book - you won't regret it!

Regards - Pat Bryan

janice kennedy
Hello Rosemarie,

I have booked my first JY holiday for May 2008. I have always wanted to go to the Rockies and Alaska and liked the idea of the security in group travel. I am nervous and excited but would rather give it a go than miss out on my dream holiday. I am reassured by all the positive messages on the message boards. I hope you too will pluck up the courage, decide where you'd like to travel and just go for it. Good luck.