  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Anyone else going on this holiday? I am going from Manchester but would be glad to hear from anyone where ever you are flying from. only 3 weeks to go and I am getting the jitters as it is my first time as a solo traveller. HELP!!!
Rosie Bell
Hi Maureen

I'm going on the Lake Garda trip on 25 September from Manchester and like you am really nervous! I think my added worries are age (as a lot of people on this site seem to be!) I'm 32 and haven't been on holiday with JY before, but I did go on a similar holiday with another singles holiday company a few years ago. I had a great time, possibly one of my best holidays ever so I'm hoping that it will be the same with JY.


Rosie Bell
Hi Maureen

My previous message hasn't appeared on the site hence a second try. I'm going on the Lake Garda trip on 25 September. I'm 32 and by the sounds of it just as nervous as you - not sure if its just the two of us on the trip! I'm really looking forward to it. I've done a similar holiday before and had a great time, so hopefully this will be just a good!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Rosie

Glad to hear from you could be just the two of us but I'm sure thats not so, don't worry about the age thing It doesn't seem to be an issue from what I have read. I have never been away on my own before so this is really new to me I am sure we will have a good time and I feel better after hearing from you, I am just going to go for it and enjoy myself!! see you there.
