(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly

Sorry, I know it is a little early considering we are still in summer. But I am planning for next year already.

I noticed you have two trips. 13th and 20th September 2010. I was wondering, is it possible to make a booking on both these trips. But going over on the 13th trip, doing the tour. Then instead of coming back on the 17th. Stopping there until the Monday 20th, And doing the tour with that tour, returning 24th with the second trip.

Also if i stopped in Altenahr between the two tours, Could I book the extra 3 nights accomodation through Just you, or arrange it under my own steam.

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Hi Andy

I'm glad to hear you are planning ahead - I'm like that with my own holidays!

I'm told by one of our customer advisors that we probably will be able to help with your request. However, you would need to give us a ring on 0800 567 7393 to discuss the finer points.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor