Chester girl
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to all Just You Travellers....

I've just joined up and thinking of taking my first solo holiday!

Hoping to chat with others and to gain some confidence! πŸ™‚

  • (Member)
Hi there

Pick a holiday, there are so many styles and options and give it a go, I have been on 11 tours, go and explore the world and have fun. Any questions just ask


  • (Member)
'Chester wrote:

Hello to all Just You Travellers....

I've just joined up and thinking of taking my first solo holiday!

Hoping to chat with others and to gain some confidence! :)

Welcome Chester girl and well done on the first steps. Don't think for too long, the world awaits and friends you haven't yet met. I have just booked my 6th JY holiday in 2 years and wish I had done it sooner. Think about where you really want to go because the others on the holiday will have the same interest as you which is a great place to start. Good luck

Hello Chester girl

No need to fret. I recently took my first solo holiday with Just You and you are never alone unless you want to be. The groups are friendly and you are all there for the same reason. Pick somewhere that you have always wanted to visit and you won't be disappointed. I'm now looking to find where I will go next year.


Alison O
Hi Chester Girl

I did my first Just You tour last year. I went on the Classic Cities of Italy trip, I had an amazing time and could kick myself for not having booked anything sooner. Pick a trip you like the look of and just book it, you'll be glad you did πŸ™‚

I've booked my first solo holiday to Iceland in November. Now I can't wait to go. πŸ™‚
Hi Chester Girl and Julie

I'm now looking forward to my 7th trip with JY. So far I have had great trips, with great tour managers and lovely people, several of whom I have stayed in touch with after the holiday.



I am off to Austria in September. My first singles holiday ever - not just with this group. :cool: