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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm so torn between booking a holiday and not booking. If i do, i'll probably be a stressed out wreck and if i don't it'll be another year of not doing a whole lot with my holiday entitlement, and i really want to do something.

i traveled solo once before, and really enjoyed it, but it was about 10 years ago and I booked through a high street travel agent, so i got to speak to them and we went through all different options. i'm really wary of doing it online. i stumbled across JustYou last week, and i keep coming back to the site and looking, trying to convince myself that yes, it really is a good idea.

i guess i just want some reassurance! sad, isn't it? i've read through some of the threads and it all sounds really positive. too positive? (i'm a cynical, pessimistic control freak. haha, NOT a good combination! :s)

Ok, i'm looking at the Lake Garda trip in September. Has anyone done this one? it says the hotel is Hotel Olivo, but then it says hotel will be confirmed when booking is complete. i've looked up the hotel, and it looks nice. what if it's not that hotel, and instead is some terrible place? That's my problem, i can easily talk myself out of doing something adventurous like this. i'm sure it'll be fine, but 'what if'...

thanks all


  • (Member)

Welcome and CALM down, there is no need to worry, I hope somebody that has done this tour answers you as well.

I started useing JY in 2006 they are not perfect but they are nearly there.

If they HAD to change the hotel there would be a very good reason for doing it and the hotel they would change it to would be of an equal standard.

I do not book online I always ring the office as there is always something I need/want to talk through, so any questions you can ask the person at the end of the phone, or you can post questions on the editors board to Julia and she comes back with the answer once she has researched it. Or post a question on here someone SHOULD have an answer for you.

JY do post message where we have a moan, so they do not cherry pick what goes out to the public. If I have a real issue I take it up with JY directly and they have ALWAYS come back to me with answers.

As you have looked around the boards and seen positive postings, can I suggest you go onto YOU TUBE if you type in Just You, or my name Cindy Dinsmore it should come up with a clip that I did a few years ago for JY. It might help you decide...

Anything else just ask I have travelled from Austria to Kenya to New Zealnd and all inbetween with JY.


You don't have to book online. If you have any questions about a holiday, you can always phone and speak to an advisor before you make a booking. All holidays seem to state "hotel will be confirmed on booking". I guess things beyond JY control can happen. I have been on the forum for a while now, and it seems changes of hotel are rare and usually for a good reason. I hope speaking to an agent, or asking questions on the forum will reassure you. It would be a shame to miss out on a holiday
Mick W
Well first thing you have done right asking on this forum because many of us were once feeling the same as you "should I or shouldn't I ?". The majority of first timers feel exactly the same way but once been the vast majority get home and start looking for thir next holiday.

I'm now in double figures with a mix of American tours and european holidays, enjoyed them all.

As for the hotel changing, it always says that its same with flights its JY covering themselves in case of issues. I cant recall ever changing hotels from the one origionally advertised. I do know in the past hotels have been changed if given negative feedback but thats rightly to improve the holiday.

All i would add is to say its only a week out of your life and if you don't try the holiday you fancy you will never know if its for you.

Go or it.

Hi Jeni. I agree with all these posts - any travel company is subject to

the same problems like occasionally having to change the hotel. I have travelled a lot

and it's never happened to me yet. So it would not be a concern for me.

I've used lots of travel companies through my single travelling years.

Only once did I not enjoy a tour - I was the only single person among 7 couples! (Not JY!)

I would always travel JY now unless they didn't do the tour I wanted.

Their tour guides are second to none in my experience. And they can't do

enough to make your holiday enjoyable.

Go for it!

Hi Jeni

I’m guessing most of us have been in your position before our first trip – I most certainly was and remember dithering for ages before booking!

I agree with all which has been said above and would only add that since booking my first trip I’ve been on seven more with JY and enjoyed them all, meeting some lovely people along the way. What’s worth remembering is that all of you in your group have one thing in common – you all want to visit whatever part of the world you are in. It’s also interesting to hear which trips other travellers have been on and their thoughts.

I actually did the Lake Garda holiday a couple of years ago although our group didn’t stay at the Hotel Olivo. I wouldn't be too concerned re the hotel however, I've yet to stay anywhere with JY that was I dissatisfied with although I've kept to Europe for the majority of my trips.

What I can say about the trip though is that it was a great week – the trips to Verona and Venice were both interesting and very enjoyable, and the scenery around Lake Garda is stunning in places.

Go for it!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
thanks ever so much for all your responses (sorry for not replying sooner!). you've all been really helpful, and it's great to know that it's rare for the hotels to change, and that it would be of a similar standard (silly thing to worry about, i know)

lol @ nixon and 'calm down'. *deep breath*

ok, i think i'll give them a call (thanks for the suggestion). i can ask them about flights and allowances that way. i'll see what they say. hopefully the next time i post it'll be because i've booked it!

you're right, Mick - it's only a week. haha, what could possibly go wrong? 😉

'Jeni007' wrote:

I'm so torn between booking a holiday and not booking. If i do, i'll probably be a stressed out wreck and if i don't it'll be another year of not doing a whole lot with my holiday entitlement, and i really want to do something.

i traveled solo once before, and really enjoyed it, but it was about 10 years ago and I booked through a high street travel agent, so i got to speak to them and we went through all different options. i'm really wary of doing it online. i stumbled across JustYou last week, and i keep coming back to the site and looking, trying to convince myself that yes, it really is a good idea.

i guess i just want some reassurance! sad, isn't it? i've read through some of the threads and it all sounds really positive. too positive? (i'm a cynical, pessimistic control freak. haha, NOT a good combination! :s)

Ok, i'm looking at the Lake Garda trip in September. Has anyone done this one? it says the hotel is Hotel Olivo, but then it says hotel will be confirmed when booking is complete. i've looked up the hotel, and it looks nice. what if it's not that hotel, and instead is some terrible place? That's my problem, i can easily talk myself out of doing something adventurous like this. i'm sure it'll be fine, but 'what if'...

thanks all


No, not sad at all. Nearly all of us have a wobble from time to time. With Just You you will be well looked after and never alone unless you want to be. I am just about to embark on my fifth holiday with JY and have always booked on the telephone as I prefer to speak to a real person! All the team are extremely helpful and friendly. I can assure you you won't be disappointed.

  • (Member)
'Jeni007' wrote:

thanks ever so much for all your responses (sorry for not replying sooner!). you've all been really helpful, and it's great to know that it's rare for the hotels to change, and that it would be of a similar standard (silly thing to worry about, i know)

lol @ nixon and 'calm down'. *deep breath*

ok, i think i'll give them a call (thanks for the suggestion). i can ask them about flights and allowances that way. i'll see what they say. hopefully the next time i post it'll be because i've booked it!

you're right, Mick - it's only a week. haha, what could possibly go wrong? ;)

Hope you are now calm and relaxed,:thumbup: And have booked your holiday do,let us all know how you get on !:D


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
it's so reassuring to know that so many of you keep coming back 🙂

lol, guess what? i haven't rung them yet! i shall do it this afternoon. promise

thanks again for being so friendly and helpful

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'michael1' wrote:

Hi Jeni

I actually did the Lake Garda holiday a couple of years ago although our group didn’t stay at the Hotel Olivo. I wouldn't be too concerned re the hotel however, I've yet to stay anywhere with JY that was I dissatisfied with although I've kept to Europe for the majority of my trips.

What I can say about the trip though is that it was a great week – the trips to Verona and Venice were both interesting and very enjoyable, and the scenery around Lake Garda is stunning in places.

Go for it!


Thank you! great to hear that you really enjoyed Lake Garda

Sue Southampton
Hi new and nervous

Don't be, having said that I really had to force myself to go on the

day. Its great booking but it gets more worrying as the time gets near

but once you get to the airport the trick I used was the find the first

person with the just you labels on their luggage, have a cup of tea

and just get to know them. As others were going by I just called

out to them and they just joined us. By the time we did book in I

was fine. Its the time leading up to the holiday which is the worst.

Talk a friend as I did and told them how nervous I was and she

talked me round and kept me from cancelling!!. I had not even

bought my suitcase downstairs and the taxi was half an hour

early so I could not panic and just had to go.

I have now done Kenya and Canada, and health permitting will

be doing something this year.

Hope this helps, so just book and keep yourself under control by

telling yourself it will be great once you meet up with someone.

Regards Sue Southampton

PS I have a booking for the Croatia & Makarska Riviera on the

22nd May as I love what was then Yugoslavia. So if you want

someone to go with and think you would like this holiday we

can exchange email addresses and get to know each other

before the holiday. Just a thought.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I BOOKED IT!! 😃 off to Lake Garda in September!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Sue wrote:

Hi new and nervous

Don't be, having said that I really had to force myself to go on the

day. Its great booking but it gets more worrying as the time gets near

but once you get to the airport the trick I used was the find the first

person with the just you labels on their luggage, have a cup of tea

and just get to know them. As others were going by I just called

out to them and they just joined us. By the time we did book in I

was fine. Its the time leading up to the holiday which is the worst.

Talk a friend as I did and told them how nervous I was and she

talked me round and kept me from cancelling!!. I had not even

bought my suitcase downstairs and the taxi was half an hour

early so I could not panic and just had to go.

I have now done Kenya and Canada, and health permitting will

be doing something this year.

Hope this helps, so just book and keep yourself under control by

telling yourself it will be great once you meet up with someone.

Regards Sue Southampton

PS I have a booking for the Croatia & Makarska Riviera on the

22nd May as I love what was then Yugoslavia. So if you want

someone to go with and think you would like this holiday we

can exchange email addresses and get to know each other

before the holiday. Just a thought.

that's an absolutely fantastic idea Sue! i'll have to make sure my labels are prominently displayed, and work up the courage to talk to people. i don't know that i can afford two holidays (i've just booked this one! so excited!) but i'll have a look at the Croatia one 🙂 thank you so much for being so kind

  • (Member)
'Jeni007' wrote:

I BOOKED IT!! 😃 off to Lake Garda in September!

Well done Jeni, I hope you have a wonderful time - make the most of your holiday and be determined to enjoy every minute of it! Even though I've done 9 holidays with JY and have several more booked I always get a bit nervous beforehand, but once I meet some others at the airport my nerves always disappear!

Take care,


  • (Member)
Well done Jeni. You are going to love your new adventure and once you are back will want to book another holiday. Have a great time.


Hi don't worry! I have been on the lake Garda holiday and it is a very good one for your first ( you can't go wrong with italy) I have 23 just you holidays under my belt but I still remember how it felt going on the first one and I feel for you. The nerves are always there even now! But I always think within ten minutes of meeting the others on a tour you feel as if you have always known them, there is the bond of being nervous and the fact that you want to travel to a beautiful place with likeminded people. So rest assured you will have a Ball . Good luck


  • (Member)
i jut booked my first holiday!!!! was just like you.. infact im still nervous!! Canada here I come!! on 30th