  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi fellow travellers

Im trying to pluck up the courage to take a small break on my own and can't make up my mind which of the two Eurostar trips to book,

Has anyone been on either this year, Ive read last years reviews and was a little put off.

Also I know there are excursions and get togethers during the day but I'm a bit worried about being on my own during the evenings.

Any advice would be welcomed.

many thanks


  • (Member)
I think you may be referring to the tour last October, which I went on. I wasn't as disappointed with it as some of the other people seemed to be. In fact I thought it was great. Was my first time with JY. I would have liked more time in Ghent (you only get 3/4 of a day) and Bruges though.

I think the gist of the complaints are to do with Les, the guide, who while very nice, hadn't actually done the trip before and so a few gremlins cropped up.

  • (Member)
Hi Fay

When you travel with Just You you are in a group of like minded people. If the evening meal is included then everyone eats together. I don't think you have any reason to be worried about being left on your own during the evenings as most people are friendly and will include you even though little groups are formed at times. I have been on 4 Just You holidays and have never been on my own unless I choose to be.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to both of you for replying to my query.
