  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone

I am really interested on doing the tour to Jordan next year and wondered if any of you out there have done this one. My son and daughter in law visited in April and absolutely raved about the country and its people. However, they didn't visit Jerash because it is right near the border with Syria and I do wonder about the safety factor..........

I would be really grateful for any feedback..........

I notice the hotel in Amman gets very mixed reviews, mostly about it being tired and somewhat dirty in the bathrooms. Has any JY traveller experienced this?

My other concern is upset stomach............any tips from anyone who has visited????

I shall look forward to hearing from any of you who have been or who are thinking of going in 2016.


  • (Member)
Hi Jools,

I went on the Jordan tour last November and had a brillliant time. You can read my review by following the link: 

They have changed the hotel in Amman since I went (and since those reviews have been written) although I have to say that apart from noisy air conditioning, I found the hotel to be fine! I have a delicate stomach and I was fine throughout the trip. I suggest you get Boots Digestion Support Travel pills and start taking them a week before you go. Jerash was one of the highlights and there were no safety issues there at all. The only problem was that it was raining!!

Just one area of concern - there are no 2016 dates either in the new brochure or on the website - this could mean that either there are no dates running next year, or that the tour is being changed in some way. I think it would be worth your while asking Julia if the tour will run next year. If it does, I strongly recommend it!

Best wishes,


Hello Jools

I was on the same trip as Bob last year and agree with everything he says. Its a great tour and had no problems with the hotels and we never experienced any security issues. I didn't have any upset stomach issues, did take with me lots of stuff from Boots but never had to use any of it.

Its a tour I can highly recommend.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to both of you. I will have to hope that the tour does run next year.


  • (Member)
Hello Jools,

I was on the original trip that took in Jordan, Sinai and Cairo back in October 2010. After the Arab Uprising 3 months later, Just You changed to Jordan only. Jerash is an amazing place with Palmyra in Syria among its equal.

We stayed at the Bristol Hotel in Amman, did not know that they had changed it.

Stay away from the ice and ice cream, salads and you will have no problems. Take Loperamide with you incase of emergencies as toilet stops were few between :P


  • (Member)
'Jools' wrote:

Hi everyone

I am really interested on doing the tour to Jordan next year and wondered if any of you out there have done this one. My son and daughter in law visited in April and absolutely raved about the country and its people. However, they didn't visit Jerash because it is right near the border with Syria and I do wonder about the safety factor..........

I would be really grateful for any feedback..........

I notice the hotel in Amman gets very mixed reviews, mostly about it being tired and somewhat dirty in the bathrooms. Has any JY traveller experienced this?

My other concern is upset stomach............any tips from anyone who has visited????

I shall look forward to hearing from any of you who have been or who are thinking of going in 2016.


Hi Jools

I was in Jordan last year - it was fabulous! Jerash and Mt Nebo were fantastic but Petra was the absolute highlight! Travelling thru Wadi Rum in a 4x4 was a great experience and Aqaba and the Dead Sea were both fantastic places to 'chill'. I went with 'a company which specialises in over 50's ' hols as the dates were better for me. I had a great time and would thoroughly recommend it! Chris x

  • (Member)
Hi Jools

Jordan was my first holiday in September 2009 and I loved every bit of it. I had no tummy problems despite eating salads. I loved the variety of salads on offer.


Hi Jools

I have just returned from the Jordan trip, all the hotels were very good and the food of good quality, watch out for the cost of drinks, can be very expensive. We had our own policeman with us for the whole trip and I felt that there was no danger, even in Jerash which I thought was amazing, did not realise how big the site was. In all an excellent holiday, which I can recommend.

