  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

I'm going on my first JY trip on the 11th September; the Classic cities of Italy tour. If anyone else is either booked or planning to book this trip I would love to say hi!

Thanks, Di :shy::shy:

  • (Member)
Hi Di I have just booked this trip as Venice & Rome have been on my wish list for far to long now.

It will be my 4th JY trip but my first to Europe as my previous have been to China, South Africa & Cambodia/Vietnam.

I understand there are 16 of us booked so far but no doubt that number will grow.

Just over 4 months to go now but I'm sure it will come round very quickly.

Really looking forward to it.

Cheers Keith.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Keith

Thanks for getting in touch, sorry, I haven't logged in for a while so have only just seen your reply.

I've wanted to go to Italy for many years too. I'm nervous as this is my first time going on holiday solo, but really looking forward to it at the same time.

It'll be here before we know it, and at least I know somebodies name before we jet off!

See you at the airport.. if you're going from Gatwick of course!

Cheers, Di

  • (Member)
Hi Di, yes I am also going from Gatwick see that it is scheduled to be a "nice" early start !!

Don't worry about it being your first solo holiday I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time. No doubt you've seen many of the reassuring messages on the forum for those nervous about their first trip from more seasoned solo travellers & all I can say is that I echo their comments. The groups on the trips I've done have all been great as have the tour managers & local guides. At the end of day everyone is going for the same reason to have a good holiday & so far JY haven't disappointed. It is also a good way of finding out from the group of other trips they have done to help plan your next one as I am sure once you've done one you'll immediately start thinking about the next one.

See you in September.

Cheers Keith.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Keith

Great, I'm glad you're going from Gatwick, see you there.. as you say nice and early!

Thanks for the reassuring words, I'll make sure I remember them when I arrive at the airport and find my way to check in!

I'm waiting for the new brochure to hit my mat, I'll have a good read through to see what is new 🙂

Cheers, Di

  • (Member)
'millsy' wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going on my first JY trip on the 11th September; the Classic cities of Italy tour. If anyone else is either booked or planning to book this trip I would love to say hi!

Thanks, Di :shy::shy:

Hi all,

I am booked on this tour flying from Manchester on 11th. September. It is my first solo travel experience and I would be very pleased to know of anybody who is also travelling from Manchester or Gatwick.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ash

I've answered your other post ;)

Looking forward to September!

Take care
