  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Teresa

Just checking you are ok? & got my post about meeting at Gatwick by the Harrods shop at 6.45. If ok with you?. See you next.Tessa

Hi Tessa and Mags, thanks for message about meeting at Gatwick by Harrods. That is fine with me, will look forward to meeting you both there. Sorry that I didn't reply sooner to the message, I have had such a hectic few days. Really looking forward to this holiday and relaxing and enjoying myself. Will see you on Sunday!! Take care, Teresa
  • (Member)
'Teresa2013' wrote:

Hi Tessa and Mags, thanks for message about meeting at Gatwick by Harrods. That is fine with me, will look forward to meeting you both there. Sorry that I didn't reply sooner to the message, I have had such a hectic few days. Really looking forward to this holiday and relaxing and enjoying myself. Will see you on Sunday!! Take care, Teresa

Hi Tessa/Teresa

Well one last email before we go! Looking forward to meeting you both, Just finishing last minute packing - am never good at that even though I've done it loads! So girls see you both at Harrods shop at 6.45 on Sunday morning.

Love Mags