(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

Just joined the site since loosing my partner in July. Would really like to go on a good holiday and has anyone got some good places I could go to put the smile back on my face again:thumbup:

Mick W
  • (Member)
A number of people including myself did our first JY hol for similar reasons to yourself.

With me it was 4 years ago as i wanted to travel with other people after my loss rather than totally solo, I enjoyed it so much i booked another holiday on my return, have now done 10 holidays with the company (with 2 booked next year).

My first trip was Americas Golden West and reckon a touringing holiday is a good option, its so full on that you have very little time with your thoughts. However touring isn't everyones cup of tea so suggest just find something you fancy, they are all excellent well organised holidays.


  • (Member)
Hello and a warm welcome to you, I am sorry for your loss.

Like Mike I have done many holidays with JY have my 10 the booked for 2014. I go for the full on tours type of holiday, yes the unpacking and moving hotels can be a drag but injust think of all the things I see while I am away, I have been in short haul and long haul tours, so if I can help with anything just ask..

If I were you I would settle down with the brochure or look on line and have a good read of what's on offer there are so many different styles there will be a tour to suit your need I am sure.

have fun looking and let us know where and what you decide..

good luck


  • (Member)
'starklingeyes' wrote:

Hi All

Just joined the site since loosing my partner in July. Would really like to go on a good holiday and has anyone got some good places I could go to put the smile back on my face again:thumbup:


My first holiday with JY was also my first alone, and for the same reason.

Look the through the brochure and see what you fancy. How far do you want to travel? in general the further you go the more active the holiday, but that idea is not written in stone. How long do want your holiday to be? Where do you hope to travel from? What is your budget?

Read the reviews, practically everyone will recommend their latest holiday. I simply loved Calabria.

Whatever you decide you will be OK, and well looked after all the way there (and back!)



valerie lund
Hi, about to go on my 3rd JY holiday in a 12 month period. I tend to chose a holiday with tours. My 1st to S.Africa last Xmas was very full on but soooo enjoyable. My 2nd was more relaxed affair in Italy. Now off to Marrakech in a weeks time. I thoroughly recommend you give JY a try sure you will enjoy:thumbup:
  • (Member)
Hello and welcome

Just You has got plenty of choices - both short haul and long haul. Browse the brochure and I am sure you will come across something you fancy. Or choose a destination which you always wanted to see. I chose Jordan for my first Just You holiday as I always wanted to see Petra. Whatever you decide, I can assure you that you will have a great time. Travelling with Just You is wonderful as you do not have to worry about anything. You will meet people of all ages and experience.

