I went to NZ in February and March this year, not with JY but arranged it all myself. I found the cost of washing clothes in hotels quite expensive at times, especially if you needed to use the tumble dryers. There was also quite a queue for the machines in several hotels. Most of the hotels did provide soap for the washing machines in the bedrooms but no conditioners, so I had to buy that.

A lot of foodstuffs etc can be very expensive, it depends if they have to import what you want. There is a big shopping centre in Auckland on the left hand side of Queen Street as you approach the harbour, that has a whole floor of eating places that is a great place to eat lunch when there. A fantastic chinese place, where you pay a few dollars for rice or noodles, then select 1, 2 or 3 main dishes to go with it. I ate there regularly as the food was so good and well worth the few dollars. There was also a wonderful salad bar, one of the few I found in NZ, they did not seem to have a lot of salad stuff however there had been a very dry summer in December and January. (Be aware obesity is a major health problem in NZ - probably because they do seem to enjoy a lot of fattening foods, don't expect too many salads). There are also a lot of japanese eating places - sushi is very popular in NZ. They have ice cream parlours all over the place, with flavours never heard of here, along with gorgeous frozen yoghurt! Strangely lamb was expensive, but they told me that was because most of it was exported. In the big cities and most towns there are also a lot of bakeries with wonderful breads and sandwiches, plus all sorts of sweet stuff. They love their breakfasts, I never had a bad one in any of the many hotels we stayed in. If you eat a good breakfast then most of us found we needed very little for lunch. Oh yes, they drink very strong coffee in NZ - if asked if you want a 1 shot, 2 shot or 3 shot - always go for the 1 shot as that is like a really strong experesso here. I was told before I went their tea is awful, so I took T bags with me, I certainly recommend that if you enjoy a decent cuppa.

All the chemists are small,and privately owned so sun tan lotion, shampoo etc was quite costly. The ozone layer is said to be thin over NZ so you need a good factor 30 sun tan lotion and those are very expensive there. Even with factor 30 I did get burned on my nose, after that I wore a sun hat all the time. However there are good hypermarkets near some of the hotels in places that most visitors go to, you would be well advised to use those as things are much cheaper there.

I went for 6 weeks, 3 weeks on a trip around the islands, 1 week with my niece and 2 weeks in Auckland - and I spent over £1,000 but I did buy some NZ thermal underwear and a sheepskin gilet plus some beautiful jade jewellry which you find easily along with Paui shell.. However a lot did go on eating out.

Jet boat isn't scary, we just got very wet!! they give you protective clothing, but the water seemed to get through. I loved the Maori Hangi in Rotorua - and if you get a chance head for the mud baths as it is quite an experince. However it appears you are staying at the hotel we used and they have warm spring baths you can hire, which ensure relaxed muscles and a really good nights sleep. Trans Alpine Express was a wonder to me, you need a cine camera if possible, and I booked the helicoptor flight to the top of the glacier which was a once in a life time experience, you can't explain how it feels up there on top of the mountain, however it does cost a lot. Milford sound was wonderful, we saw lots of seals and some dolphins there.

Can't think of much more to say, except I loved it there, with a warm hearted and welcoming people :thumbup: - just don't mention the rugby!! (Apparently the England team caused great offence by wearing black for 1 match a year or so ago, however my nephew insists it was navy :exclamation:).

Hope that helps - Liz

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
thanks for that Liz.

I've booked now for March
