  • (Member)
Hi Dawn,

I've done some digging in to the Sausalito and Muir Woods trip for you. The departure times for this are at the discretion of the Tour Manager based on the other optional excursions booked by the whole group.

In terms of Alcatraz, travellers have free time in San Francisco on day 2 from 2pm and on day 3 subject to the optional excursions booked.

Kindest regards,


thanks Julia

Based on that info then, I have booked Alcatraz twice. I am on the bay cruise in the afternoon on the second day, so I can't book it for then, and because the Muir Woods trip doesn't have a set time and depends what the rest of the group are doing, I will have to cover both bases. For anyone else who is thinking of Alcatraz, I have booked the 10.30am and the 3.50pm boats on the 18th.

Not long now!


  • (Member)

Ive booked alcatraz for day 3 at 10.00 also.

No, Ive not packed. Ill be running around like a banshee the night before probably, trying to find things. Thats what usually happens with me.

Re mozzies, I get bitten to hell in the uk so ive looked on websites. San Fran and LA supposed to have some mozzies but not a big problem.Vegas is a desert so its ok there. One website said to watchout near pools and wooden areas, so Nuir woods may be a problem. My DR said take insect repllent that contains DEET.

National Express seem the cheapest option for travel. Im thinking of staying the night before in Heathrow now. Travelodge T5 is £25 so its a lot cheaper than me renting a Car


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I've got some DEET stuff and some spray bite relief just in case....I got bitten to pieces in Italy !

I've booked National Express through Just You - they only charge £35 for a return ticket from anywhere. they do a voucher system which covers your fare.

I think you would be wise to stay in London the night before - it is quite a journey from Wales before a long flight.

If you stay over we could meet up for a pre - holiday drink


  • (Member)
Hi Carol


I didn't know know about the voucher thing. I paid £58 last night for National Express tickets. Non-refundable too!

Nevermind, the days are ticking away slowly.

Yes, we'll meet up on the sunday night. I dont get to heathrow till 9oclock.

We try and organise something later next week.

Have a good weekend


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I've just looked at the weather forecast for San Francisco while we are there and it is total sunshine - brilliant

I am getting into Heathrow on Sunday approx 5pm - As you are getting in quite late I'll leave it entirely up to you whether we meet up for a pre-holiday drink.

Not long now - looking forward to meeting you - I think we are a full tour 40 people

Get packing !!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I would like you to pass Steve's e- mail address to me please

Thank you


  • (Member)
Hi Carol,

This has been done and there should be an email waiting for you.

Kindest regards,


Not long now! sooooo excited! have just been looking at the thread for the trip going on the 30th Sept and there are quite a few good tips about things to do in San Fran etc. If anyone wanted to check it out.


  • (Member)
Hi Dawn

Yes, not long now.

See you Monday morning


  • (Member)

Sorry but I think i better leave the weed drink on sunday evening.

I just looked at my hotel and its 4.5 miles from the Renassience Hotel.

Could be awkward to travel about that time of night and expensive.

Anyway see you monday morning


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

Not long now........I think you're right about Sunday night, never mind we'll save it for SF !!

Have a good trip to Heathrow....see you on Monday
