  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to anyone going on the America trip on the 16th - any tips for which Grand Canyon tour to take ?? Is anyone staying a Heathrow hotel the night before ??


  • (Member)
I went to the Grand Canyon many years ago and the answer is really what appeals to you. Helicopters etc are now not allowed to fly in the canyon, only over the top. Personally I like walking and opted instead for free time when I walked miles round the rim which was brilliant - you need to be fit though! Whatever you decide upon, it is an incredible spectacle, pictures do not do it justice.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the welcome advice - there seem to ba a lot more choices this year. There is also a nice excursion to Sausalito and the Muir woods to see the giant redwoods - really looking forward to that
  • (Member)
'Torrens' wrote:

Hi Torrens

Im booked on the 16th Sept Golden West tour.

See you there


  • (Member)
HI Torrens

Ill be travelling from Swansea South Wales on the morning of the 16th (Very early).

I think i need to rent a car due to the flight time/check in time.

Where are you traveling from?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I'll be travelling from Birmingham and I don't drive so I decided to stay overnight at the Rennaisance hotel. I'm glad I did now because I have been watching the live programmes from Heathrow this week and they showed the hotel which has a great view of the airport.

How long will the journey take you ?

Carol (torrens)

  • (Member)
Hi Carol

According to googlemaps it should take me 3 hr 15 mins from door to Terminal. you're probably wise going on Sunday, the Hotel looks brilliant for Airport views.

Ive been watching the Airport shows too. I started getting excited when they showed Terminal 5 and the the BA Jumbo 747s.

Not Long now!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

Well...the holiday balance has been paid and the excursions booked...only 83 days to go !!!

I plumped for the 3 in 1 grand canyon seems a really popular one. I booked for Sausalito and the helicopter trip around SF.

Are you booking for Alcatraz ??

I hope you don't mind keeping this thread going but it is really nice to be in touch with someone else before the holiday....


  • (Member)

No probs in keeping the thread going. its fine.

Regarding Alcatraz, my uncle said its better to book from the UK, Cheaper too.

I havent booked any excursions yet. Who did you book Sausalito and helicopter trips with? I thought you book excursions when we are in US?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I booked with Just you when I paid the balance of the holiday by phone. I had a list from Just you when I received my final invoice - I was told on the phone that it was best to book in advance as it guarantees a place. I am booking Alcatraz from UK.

Do you know the best day to book ??


  • (Member)
Hi carol

I havent recieved that list. I had a flight times sheet and passport info sheet. Ill email them later.

Id book alcatraz for Day 3. Day 1 is obviously out and Day 2 has got moring and evening tours included. So Day 3 id go for.

Have you received a itenary yet? Cant really plan anything till that comes cos they may change things.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

Had a letter from Justyou today confirming my excursions and saying that the daily itinerary will be received about 2 weeks before we go. I had the excursion list about a week ago. Might be a good idea to follow it up with Justyou.....the Grand Canyon trips are on the Papillon Grand Canyon trip site on the Internet......they look great !

I've got a lot of relatives in South Wales - they live in Ebbw Vale

Have a good weekend


  • (Member)
Hi Carol

JustYou have emailed me a list of the excursions so ill have a look later.

I should have had one when i received the other stuff.

Youve got relatives in Ebbw Vale. Thats nice.

I live near Aberdare which is about 20 miles from Ebbw Vale.

Anyway, speak to you soon and have a nice weekend too


  • (Member)
Hi Carol

How are you?

62 days till takeoff! It cant come soon enough. I cant wait.

Ive had a list of excurtions and ive book Sasulito and Alcatraz for Day 3.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I'm fine you, I can't wait for our holiday !!

I am booking Alcatraz for the third day as well - did you book it for the afternoon ??

How do you like the weather ? Can't believe it is going to be around 35 degrees, or more in Las Vegas........phew !

How are you doing ?


  • (Member)
Hi Everyone,

I have just joined (literally 2 minutes ago) so not sure where exactly you are going but I did the US West Coast last Oct with Solos. It was a short notice replacement and not something I particularly looked forward to but I was very surprised. Grand Canyon fantastic but worth doing the viewing platform and the helo ride if you can afford it but just walk down for an hour and back up to really appreciate how magnificent it is and that costs nothing (take lots of water). Las Vegas is just unbelievable and again costs nothing to wander in and out the hotels and see the outside shows which of course are free. San Fran is fantastic, Pier 39 with the seals is a must as is Alcatraz and your guide should be able to get group discounts to match the best from the UK. Ride the trams and they will let you ring the bell (its a guy thing). Golden gate bridge will probably be shrouded in mist. Loved the drive Carmel to Monterey. Did I enjoy the west coast, yes it was fantastic but as for LA, a couple of hours is all you need and I was not over impressed. you wont get within a mile of the Hollywood sign which disappointed one girl in our group so i managed to photoshop one for her. let me know if you have any questions....Keith

  • (Member)
Hi Carol

Im good thanks.

35 degrees! Its 26 in Neath today and Im struggling!

Ive booked Alcataz for morning at 10.00. Ive heard it cant get chaotic on the island mid day onwards.

What day is that Muir and Sausalito thingy?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

The Sausalito thingamajig can be done on the afternoon of the second day or on the third day - it is either 9.00 am or 2.00 pm and lasts for about 4 hours, it could fit in after Alcatraz - I have booked the helicopter ride - I've got no idea where I am fitting that in ! It is going to be hectic but like you I am really looking forward to it. It will make a change from me coming in from work and couch potato-ing in front of the telly !!

Think we may have to have some drinks time in the bar to wind down !!

Gonna be another hot day today but at least it will prepare us for Vegas

Have a good weekend


  • (Member)

Hope you enjoyed this weather over the weekend. 9 weeks today we'll be in the Air somewhere over the Atlantic.

We should be able to fit it all in. Watch the Helicopter ride doesnt clash with anything else.

Yes, If it all gets too much, you'll find me in the nearest Bar sinking a few Ciders, If i can find any out there.

I cant wait to see VEGAS. Ive heard so much about it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Steve

I can't wait to go to an American bar - they always look great on the telly.

I have been looking at the bars that have a shooting range - I fancy having a blast on a machine gun !!

I found out we fly over Greenland so the views from the plane should be great.

The views from the top of our hotel in Vegas should be amazing too.

What king of camera/video are you taking ?
