  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
How about starting this thread giving a brief description of who and what and where we are..:huh:

I am Cindy married to Ian for 32 years this October, we have two children BOYS 25 and 23 and soon 3 grandchildren, I live very close to LHR, so flights from there are a Doddle for me. I am 54 and I have been travelling solo with JY since Sept 2006. My time is spent between holidays LOL, being a Mum and Nan, voluntary time spent dealing with my local church, on many levels. I watch far to much TV love the CSI etc, I only read real books when away with hubby on holiday as then it's a lounger style holiday, love dogs our Sheba we had to put to sleep in January, we love dogs but are trying to live without replacing Sheba as we are heavily involved with babies now.I like gardening and spending time outside in sunny weather. I am NOT a winter person.:thumbup:

My dreams are to stay as healthy as I can, keep on travelling this world we live in, or as my children say ..YOUR spending our inheritance MUM!!!..I say never mind...


Sorry Cindy,

Do not think this is a very good idea.

I do not want to publish my details thats why I will not do Facebok or twitter.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

that's fair enough if not many reply then they don't want to know about anybody.


Hi Cindy

doesn't bother me what folk know about me so here's a brief description

i'm 55 next month, always been single, reason why I still have money lol, from my user name I have a love for abba as everybody who knows me knows, even had an abba tribute at my 50th and over a hundred guests, I live in Newtown in Mid Wales and work in our hospital as a porter over 17 years, love football cricket and tennis, love going to concerts, been all over the world to places like India USA NYC Canada, Kenya, Sri Lanka where I came back from ill spent a week in Shrewsbury hospital, went to the far east tour and Egypt with Travelsphere quite a few years ago now, did med cruise about 3 years ago which was very enjoyable, dad passed away in 1990 but mum still very much active, brothers four of which one lives in Spain with his wife no sisters

I hope I am reasonably well but since my spell in hos and 9 weeks off work after it in 2009 its given me doubts, had surgery on my shoulder almost two years ago after I fell playing football for the hospital and tore a tendon so its never quite been right since, doing Australia this year and south America will be my next biggie for my mates 50th I think early 2015 🙂 nearest airports to me are Manchester or Birmingham each about an hour and a half away by car or two and a half by train

that's about it really


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

That's a lot of personal information you've put on a public forum, are you sure that's wise with the prevalence of internet crime and identity theft? We saw how easy it was to get in and spam the forums when there was a huge spate of pharmecutical adverts at the weekend. Please be careful.

As you can guess, I agree with Eric and won't be giving out anything that's not directly holiday related.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I do understand, my opinion is live and let live, people if they want to scam you etc, have ways of doing it, I just hope it never happens to me, I have had a credit card cloned once through nobody's fault it did cause me a few problems, but it's the bad people out there..that cause these problems...

There are always going to be good and bad people and good and bad sides of using the Internet!


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

I agree with Eric and Maddy. I've had my online accounts hacked too many times - luckily have not lost money or identity - have come off Facebook permanently as was hacked despite having very secure settings and it nearly cost me £2K. Beware!

Bob knows who I am as we met in Vietnam and I am in contact with various people that I have met on my 10 JY holidays, so they know me now! The more you broadcast online, sadly, the more open you are to those nasty bad people!



  • (Member)

My name is Mark and i live in Liverpool. I started using JY when i was 21 when i went to Paris and i have used JY ever since.

Short but sweet!!!


  • (Member)
Hello All.

I must agree with all Eric, Maddy and Hils had to say Cindy. I think it`s best to keep the website about holidays and share experiences of what they were like.


martin whitehead

My name is martin . I live in Essex. I love making cakes, rock climbing, kayaking, reading , walking, I play the flute and saxophone in a orchestra. am doing my saxophone grade2 exam in July my first exam since 1987.

From Martin

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Welcome and good luck with your saxophone exam...


martin whitehead
'nixon' wrote:


Welcome and good luck with your saxophone exam...


Hi Cindy

Thank you,

From martin

I'm Elaine. 59 now and have had my last 3 birthdays on JY holidays. 🙂 Cilento, Istria and Cilento again. :thumbup:

I'm single, work for the NHS and as you can see I have cats!!