  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - anyone got any good tips for the Magic of Kenya tip please. Anything welcome as this is my first trip on my own., Thanks
  • (Member)

Tips for Kenya!!!! Have fun....and just enjoy..ok on a practical note...

Camera, video Camera, make sure you have enough film or memory cards and don't forget the chargers.

What month are you going? I went sept-Oct time and it was HUMID, so loose clothes and light weight, don't wear bright colours ie yellow etc attracts the midges...

Get checked out at the doctors re jabs and malaria tablets I had a few jabs and got the private prescription and then got malarone malaria tabs of Internet.. Can provide more information if required.

Two travel bags main hard suitcase goes to second hotel, soft sided hold all goes to safari ..

Take plenty of wet wipes, hand cleansing gel, packets tissues, see reports of holiday tips on here for explanation, lets just say TAKE THEM!!!

If I can help with anything else just ask, I also do the extension at second hotel and was very pleased I did to soak up some sunshine...


'Babs2125' wrote:

Hi - anyone got any good tips for the Magic of Kenya tip please. Anything welcome as this is my first trip on my own., Thanks

I went in May 2010 on my first just you holiday we had about 30 in our group it was a fantastic holiday, saw so may animals make sure you get all your jabs and malaria tablets,other than that just enjoy, I know you will.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks guys - these tips arte really useful. Cindy - can you put the 2 seperate bags in the hold, or do you need to pack the holdall inside the suitcase? Thanks for warning abput the bright clothes - that hadn't occured to me. so will take note. When did you get your jabs done - I'm going middle of September? Really excited already! : )
  • (Member)

Regarding the jabs etc talk to your practice nurse or whoever deals with jabs. I just asked at my doctors surgery Ad they said what I needed and then I booked in for the jabs etc, regarding malaria tablets you need to take these I think a couple days before you go all the time your there and I think a week when you get back, so you need to cover for extra time not just the days your away, they will talk you through it all.

When I went we were allowed two cases.. Ie hard case and hold all in the luggage hold, I am not sure what the deal is now maybe someone who has gone recently can help with that question or you will get told nearer the time...a back pack or similar is good for the safari side to keep your things together as you spend the time in the jeep so things can get bounced around!!! It's very good fun...
