Lisa S
  • (Member)
Jackie - do we get use of an executive lounge on this trip? Haven't seen it mentioned. Would be good though, so fingers crossed. I will have been on the road since about 4 a.m, so I'm definitely up for a spot of breakfast once we check in, if anyone fancies meeting up. Thanks for the reminder about currency, I need to order my Canadian dollars.
Hi Cindy,

Yes, I wil certainly do a review when I get back - I think it's so helpful for others in determining whether they would like to go or not. Brochures are very informative, but there's nothing like "word of mouth" and personal experience, is there!

Best wishes


Hi Jackie, Jenny and Lisa,

I'll probably have brekkie in the hotel before checking in but will definitely look out for you after check in. Do we have the longhaul facility lounge, do you know? For some reason I think that seems to have stopped, but perhaps I'll ask the editor! Just in case not, then the Scottish accent will perhaps give me away so listen out for that (though I am fairly quietly spoken, honest!!!)

See you soon


'anniethenitnurse' wrote:

Hi Jackie,

I'm going on this holiday too and am really looking forward to it. I went to Canada and Alaska in 2011 and had a really good time - if it's anything like that one, then it will be a hectic tour! Have been looking at some of the comments re clothing, so will take layers etc. I'll be flying down from Glasgow early morning of the 26th so it's going to be a long day!!!


Hi Anne

I was on that Canada trip in 2011 but I didn't do Alaska. I remember you. I was one of the other Annes on the trip (I think there were a few!) and I was friendly with Deirdre and Tony and Mary. I am also going to New England but my departure is on 18th September. What a shame we won't be meeting. Hope you are well. Anne

  • (Member)
'anniethenitnurse' wrote:

Hi Cindy,

Yes, I wil certainly do a review when I get back - I think it's so helpful for others in determining whether they would like to go or not. Brochures are very informative, but there's nothing like "word of mouth" and personal experience, is there!

Best wishes


I look forward to reading about your holiday.....and your correct its really nice to read what a person has to say that has BEEN ON the tour...I have done many part of this tour but I am more than happy to re visit old ground, beautiful part of America.


Hi Anne,

Yes I remember you well - how are you doing? Hope you have a lovely time when you do your trip - Just leave some goodies in the shops for me please, being the bit of a shopaholic that I am!

Take care


Hi Lisa,

As you'll probably have seen, we don't get the use of the executive lounge on this tour:huh: We'll just have to look out for the blue labels!!!

Take care and see you soon


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'anniethenitnurse' wrote:

Hi Lisa,

As you'll probably have seen, we don't get the use of the executive lounge on this tour:huh: We'll just have to look out for the blue labels!!!

Take care and see you soon


Hi Lisa and Anne

Don't we get the use of the lounge? - that's a shame! - I just assumed that we got that with the longer flights. Always have met up there before! I expect we will find each other anyway. I am so looking forward to this trip!

See you soon


Lisa S
  • (Member)
I might try to blag my way into the British Airways one anyway = I am an executive club member. See you all very soon - just waiting on my final info to appear, no doubt in next few days
Lisa S
  • (Member)
I'm contemplating seeing a show in New York on the second evening - does anyone else fancy the idea?
I think you can count me in on that one as I do like live shows - any one in particular that you have in mind?

Less than 2 weeks to go now!


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Although I've seen it before, I was thinking about Jersey Boys?
Lisa S
  • (Member)
PS but I'm flexible - would go for most shows
Hi Lisa,

Not seen Jersey Boys as yet! A friend of mine has just come back from New York and she went to a show called "Muses" (I think that's what it's called) and said it was really good. It's only on in New York and she's not sure if it will be coming to the UK - just a thought, but I'll happily go along with any show! Tickets are here!!!!! Going for my currency tomorrow, so hopefully will get a reasonable rate!

See you soon


'anniethenitnurse' wrote:

Hi Lisa,

Not seen Jersey Boys as yet! A friend of mine has just come back from New York and she went to a show called "Muses" (I think that's what it's called) and said it was really good. It's only on in New York and she's not sure if it will be coming to the UK - just a thought, but I'll happily go along with any show! Tickets are here!!!!! Going for my currency tomorrow, so hopefully will get a reasonable rate!

See you soon


Hi Anne

Quick review of trip so far. Weather has been great so far and we have visited some wonderful places Day trip to Cape Cod was excellent. Scenery throughout New Hampshire and Vermont is beautiful. Hotels have varied in quality. Hotel in Boston is very central and you can walk into the city very easily. Now entering Canada!

Lisa S
  • (Member)
Hi Annie - sorry for delayed reply, not been too well. Don;t know if it is still possible to book a show this near departure - also not sure which night - we have two in New York - let me know ... will check back here periodically over the weekend.

Lesley - many thanks for the update: shame to hear of variable hotel quality, but hey ho, we only get a night in some of them. Would love to hear further updates - thanks

Hi Lesley,

You are a STAR! I'm down to do the Cape Cod trip so really pleased to hear your comments on this and that the hotel in Boston is central. You sound like you're having a great time and I am so looking forward to this - just a few more days to go and then it's off!!! Hope the weather stays good for the rest of your tour and for ours too!

Take care, enjoy the rest of the trip and again many thanks for your feedback on this


Lisa S
  • (Member)
I've just realised - we are in New York Sunday and Monday - most shows are matinee only on Sunday and "dark" as in no show on, on Mondays: never mind, maybe we can all find somewhere nice to eat instead

PS I did post earlier but it doesn't seem to have been approved yet

Hi Lisa,

Hope you're feeling better by now and OK to enjoy the holiday! No worries if we don't get to do a show - I'm quite sure that there will be plenty to do and a nice meal out on the Monday night would be good, especially if quite a few came along to it, as that's the last night in the city (sob, sob!!!)

See you Thursday and it's great that Lesley is keeping us informed about her trip!

Take care


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Thanks Annie, see you tomorrow - I'm working this morning, then packing this afternoon 🙂