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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is anyone else going on 26th September? I have booked this holiday and I have been on several others with Just You and this will be my 4th visit to the States, first to Canada. I am so looking forward to going - the comments on the Forum are great!
Hi Jackie,

I'm going on this holiday too and am really looking forward to it. I went to Canada and Alaska in 2011 and had a really good time - if it's anything like that one, then it will be a hectic tour! Have been looking at some of the comments re clothing, so will take layers etc. I'll be flying down from Glasgow early morning of the 26th so it's going to be a long day!!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Anne

Will be very pleased to meet you in September. I will travelling to Heathrow the day before from Norfolk as it is a morning flight, and will look out for you at the airport.

Jackie 🙂

Hi Jackie,

My flight from Glasgow gets in about 8.35 to Heathrow and I'm hoping I can put my luggage straight through so I don't need to pick it up at Heathrow! Looks like there are quite a few people going on this one, so it should be good!


Hi Jackie,

I've managed to get my flight changed and am now travelling down from Glasgow on the Wednesday afternoon instead - beats getting up at 3am! Not sure where I'll be staying yet, as I'm about to go on and have a look at hotels at the Airport


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Hi Annie and Jackie - yes, I'm on that departure too - look forward to chatting over the coming months and meeting you both

My third JY holiday - Jordan a few years back was pretty good, India last year was absolutely wonderful

Live in the Midlands, so will drive down and park

Hi Lisa,

Good to hear from you! I booked this holiday last October and felt like it was ages away and now it's only really a matter of 3 months before we go! I'm really looking forward to it - are you going to be doing any of the addes excursions? I thought I'd book to do the Cape Cod one and New York by night?

All the best


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Hi Anne - I think I've booked for most things, definitely Cape Cod and Laurentian Mountains but probably not NY at night because I've been to NY a couple of times before, and might want to do my own thing instead - a couple of lovely restaurants I fancy revisiting perhaps, or maybe a show. I'll think about it nearer the time - though as you say it's not far away now - yippee!! Have you been to USA before? - I really like it - done NY and Vegas, and briefly Chicago area last autumn
Hi Lisa,

Yes, I've been to New York and Florida before, but quite a while back. 2 years ago I did Canada (The Rockies) and Alaska with JY and it was really good - the tour was hectic, but thoroughly enjoyable, so hoping that this will be as good, - from what I've read about it, it should be fantastic.

Looking forward to meeting up with you and all the others (30 of us, so I'm told!).


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Lisa wrote:

Hi Annie and Jackie - yes, I'm on that departure too - look forward to chatting over the coming months and meeting you both

My third JY holiday - Jordan a few years back was pretty good, India last year was absolutely wonderful

Live in the Midlands, so will drive down and park

Hi Lisa - looking forward to meeting you and Anne in September.

It won't be long now as these last few months will go very quickly! I think I will probably book the added excursions although I have also been to New York before and there is so much to see.

I have been on a few JY holidays and enjoyed every one. Last year I went to Barcelona and the year before it was China. I have been to the States three times before and absolutely love it!! Also looking forward to visiting Canada for the first time.

Best wishes - Jackie

Lisa S
  • (Member)
Hi Anne and Jackie

- seems like our date was the most popular one, guess we all found that website with the interactive map with changing colours to show the "foliage" dates!! I've got a straightforward week in Portugal at the end of July to look forward to first - but I'm sure it will all come round quickly.


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Well ladies, less than 6 weeks now - can't wait!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Lisa wrote:

Well ladies, less than 6 weeks now - can't wait!!

Me too!!! The time will go really quickly now and I am making lists so that things I have to do do not go round and round in my head!

I will travel to Heathrow by National Express the day before and will be staying at Premier Inn, where I will be meeting another member of our group, Jenny.

I will look out for you at the airport the next morning. See you there!


Hi Lisa,

Yes, it seems to be coming round very quickly now - time to sort out the spending money very soon! I'm going to book Cape Cod and the Mountain tour next week, and that's it taken care of - the rest I'll wait till I get there, I think! Not really sure how much to take with me, but I think it's relatively cheap to eat out in both the States and Canada - and to be on the safe side, I'll take both currencies with me.

Do you know if there will be someone from JY meeting us at Heathrow to make sure we all get on the plane? I'll look out for the blue labels anyway!

See you soon!


Lisa S
  • (Member)
There is usually someone from JY at check in, in my experience. I'm happy to meet up with anyone who would like to after we are through check in. If anyone is interested - let me know.

I'm also going to take both currencies, but most of my US $s will be on a cash card. I am booked on mountains and Cape Cod - the only other one I think I will do is helicopter in Toronto (I think) - but I see we can't book most of them till we are out there anyway. I should say, I'm only not booking the New York optionals as I've been before, I'd rather do my own thing: they do sound good excursions, if you are new to NY

Hi Lisa and Jackie,

Yes, it would be good to look out for each other at the airport and get to know one another before the flight. I am sooooo excited now and, like you Lisa, am only going to pre book the mountains and Cape Cod just now. I've done the river trip before, but want to have a mooch round New York again so will probably just do the included excursions there. Will think about the Toronto helicopter ride - I did the one over the Rockies 2 years ago and that was brilliant, so could be tempted! Five weeks today and I'll be on my way to Heathrow - I'm staying at the Comfort Inn that night, so at least I don't have to get up too early next day!

Take care and see you both soon


Lisa S
  • (Member)
Looking forward to meeting everyone: less than 4 weeks now :o)
Hi Lisa and Jackie,

In 4 weeks time we will have been in Boston for a day!!!! So looking forward to this time and getting to meet you both. Soon be time to pack, but am really going to try and be good and not take the whole wardrobe and kitchen sink with me!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lisa and Anne,

Time really is flying now! After check in, Jenny and I will probably make our way to have breakfast somewhere and eventually go to the lounge. If we do not see you before, perhaps we could meet you there. It won't be long now and I have just to buy some USA and Canadian currency and sort out clothes. I have got a travel card as well and hope it will be OK as I have never used one before! I also will have to stop myself from taking too much in my suitcase. I should be an expert by now!


  • (Member)
hello to you all,

Could you please write up a review on this tour when you get back, as I have my eye on this for September NEXT year!!!!

I have already done Boston New England and New York tour in 2006...... But there are some things I would like to re visit and having Canada on the tour would be a bonus....

Have fun...

PS I did the JY Florida tour this May...if anybody wants to know about that tour.
