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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I've taken the plunge and booked my very first singles holiday to the Austrian Lakes in August - anyone else going the same time? Its quite a big step for me and having to go from Gatwick, SCARY!
  • (Member)
Hello and welcome to you

I went on the Austrian lakes tour a couple of years ago, it is a very nice tour and not to hectic, lots to see and do you will have fun....I had a room at the front of the hotel and it looked out across the lake stunning...if there is anything else you need to know just ask..


Mick W
  • (Member)
I did this holiday last August, some stunning scenary, was a very good holiday.
Hi Vincentaj

I have been on this trip twice before, And it is a good little trip to start your Just You experience. It is a lovely little hotel in a rather quaint little town, situated by a huge lake.. All the trips and excursions are all of interest and well worth doing. The Week is not overly hectic with no early morning starts. You have also picked a good time of the year to travel also.And if there is anything I can help you with tips etc, please feel free to ask

Enjoy Andy

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks all just now sorting how I'm going to get to Gatwick, travel by car on day and pay parking, travel by rail/coach the day before and stay overnight at hotel, anybody else got the dilemma?!
I'm booked on the Inspirational Tour to China and have the same Gatwick dilemma as you as there are no direct internal flights now from Manchester. Just You have arranged my National Express ticket and I can then book directly with Nat. Ex. from my home town to Gatwick the day before and Just You also booked a room for me to stay in overnight which is in walking distance of Gatwick airport and it was all very reasonable. I didn't mind driving down it is the driving back after a long flight I didn't fancy. If you don't mind going down the day before I found this to be a good solution and it also saves worrying about travelling down there in time for a specific flight on the actual day.


'vincentaj' wrote:

Hi, I've taken the plunge and booked my very first singles holiday to the Austrian Lakes in August - anyone else going the same time? Its quite a big step for me and having to go from Gatwick, SCARY!

Hi, I've just completed my first JY tour (Americas Golden West). I flew to America from Heathrow not Gatwick but I flew down from Newcastle to Heathrow the day before and stayed at a cheapie hotel booked by JY. I was glad I did just to have peace of mind. The flight from Newcastle was held up for 2hrs with a technical hitch, if that had happened on the morning I was due to connect to my US flight, not sure I would have made it!!!!! For your first JY trip, I'd suggest going night before - it's just one less thing to worry about. When you start meeting people at Gatwick you'll realise there really is nothing else to worry about. I found that people kept approaching me to ask if I was travelling with JY (the bright turquoise baggage label sort of gave it away :)) so it was really easy to start talking to people. Have a great time, I have absolutely no worries now and can't wait for my next JY tour. Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Vincentaj:

Without knowing your actual location nor what your departure time is from Gatwick, my tuppence-worth might not even be worth, erm, tuppence!

But I wondered if you were coming from somewhere with a good and fast rail connection to London, you only need a taxi (or the Underground if not overburdened with luggage) from that terminal across town to Victoria, from where a frequent and direct service runs right into a lift-ride from Gatwick Airport terminal.

It’s a lovely airport to navigate too, nowhere near as big as Heathrow.

Don’t overlook either the excellent National Express coach network. Very competitive pricewise too. 

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

I was on the same trip Americas Golden West, what a fantastic holiday, pleased you arrived home safe and sound, a bit of a rush for us getting the connecting flight to Manchester, we just made it. My first time with JY will be doing more,

'Rosie9' wrote:

Hi Sue,

I was on the same trip Americas Golden West, what a fantastic holiday, pleased you arrived home safe and sound, a bit of a rush for us getting the connecting flight to Manchester, we just made it. My first time with JY will be doing more,

Hi Rosie, Glad you made it home ok too. I think I know who you were but there were a few people I spoke yet never found out their names! I was hoping we'd be able to get a group photo taken by the coach that would include names but there seemed some reluctance to do that officially, not sure why, perhaps some people have complained to JY on previous trips that they hadn't wanted their photos taken. Anyway, perhaps we'll meet up again, I'll definitely be travelling with JY in the future. Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

Thanks for replying, Just trying to unwind and get back to normal, waiting now for the new brochure to see what is on offer for my next adventure. Yes it would have been good to have a group photo, everyone was so friendly, I loved every second, just not long enough in Palm Springs, but we can't have everything.


Hi all........haven't been on holiday on my own yet. I am going to take the plunge later this year. Any advice? I have travelled a little on my own but always met up with a relative when I arrived. It is being on my own....when I get there!


  • (Member)

The point of JY is that you are never on your own unless you want to be. In a lot of the long haul flights you meet the rep and your fellow travellers at the Uk airport and travel together. Sometimes the rep is already at the resort but even then you will have a JY rep at check in and you will have a chance to find your fellow travellers by looking for the baggage labels. You are met by the rep as soon as you clear customs at your destination and are taken to the hotel. From then on everything is organised for you.

As has been said many times before, the hardest step is making that first booking. If you can pluck up the courage to do that - the world then becomes your oyster.

Best of luck.


  • (Member)

You are never on your own when you travel with Just You. They take care of you from start to finish. Just pick a destination you always wanted to visit and book it. You will be in a group of like minded travellers of all ages and will have a great time. Life is too short so go on and that the plunge and book something. You will have no regrets and will want to book another holiday when you are back. I have been on 4 Just You holidays and each one has been wonderful.
