How many people?
Thank you so much
There are 11 travellers currently booked with just 9 places available.
It hasn't been cleared to operate yet but I've just had a quick conversation with my colleague and she is quietly confident about it given how popular the tour is proving to be this year. Ask me again in a few weeks and I'll see if there is any update.
Kindest regards,
There is currently 1 man and 10 women booked with ages from mid-40s through to mid-70s.
Could you tell me the flight details for this trip please, this info seems to be missing from the website, and an update on numbers please.
For the August departure, the provisional flight times are depart Heathrow 11:05am, return Heathrow 11:40am.
In terms of numbers there are 11 travellers booked aged from mid-40s through to mid-70s
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