  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I was just wondering if there is any chance in the future that you might add Borneo (and the orangutans) to your wonderful list of holidays?


Jan 🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Jan

I'll pass your suggestion of including a Just You Borneo and Orangutans tour on to our product managers.

Our Route 66 tour started off as a post right here - lets see if we can get enough interest for this one too!

Kind regards


Peter Jersey
Yes, what a good idea. Count me in. Ancient buildings are around for centuries. Endangered species..WOW FACTOR!!



I would love to go to Borneo, I love going places that are unusual and not the run of the mill holidays, I definately agree with Julia on this one.

This is an absolutely fab idea - one of the travelsphere ones i would love to do in the future but im not brave enough to book a travelsphere holiday on my own yet! Also madagasca would be good......

'Julia' wrote:

Hi Jan

I'll pass your suggestion of including a Just You Borneo and Orangutans tour on to our product managers.

Our Route 66 tour started off as a post right here - lets see if we can get enough interest for this one too!

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Jan I would love that too!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

That's a great idea.

They used to do this holiday in Travelsphere but i haven't seen it recently.

What is the process, Julia, from us posting a suggestion to Just You creating the holiday? Just curious..



'Julia' wrote:

Hi Jan

I'll pass your suggestion of including a Just You Borneo and Orangutans tour on to our product managers.

Our Route 66 tour started off as a post right here - lets see if we can get enough interest for this one too!

Kind regards


Hi Julia,

Borneo sounds fantastic and is another place I would like to visit.

Although it might not be possible at present Burma has always held a fasination with me. I expect Burma will open up in the future like Vietnam and Cambodia has now. Burma's history with culture would make an excellent tour for JY tour freaks.

Somthing for JY to contemplate for the future, hopefully.


When I first started holidays with JY Borneo was in the brochure and was on my list of places to go then it disappeared before I could book it, whether it was through lack of interest or something else I don't know. Maybe JY should look at other holidays that have long gone, they might find with new customers coming along all the time they will regain interest on some of them.
  • (Member)
'Avocet64' wrote:

When I first started holidays with JY Borneo was in the brochure and was on my list of places to go then it disappeared before I could book it, whether it was through lack of interest or something else I don't know. Maybe JY should look at other holidays that have long gone, they might find with new customers coming along all the time they will regain interest on some of them.

I couldn't agree more, please JY look into it - just because bookings might have been low for a particular tour a few years ago doesn't mean they would be again!

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'marks' wrote:


That's a great idea.

They used to do this holiday in Travelsphere but i haven't seen it recently.

What is the process, Julia, from us posting a suggestion to Just You creating the holiday? Just curious..



Hi Mark,

Apparently Travelsphere does still do Borneo - Longboats and Orangutans. Looks fab, but I would much rather go with Just You. Fingers crossed that it happens!



  • (Member)
I too am very keen to visit Borneo and Burma. Travelsphere offers Burma, but I am not yet keen to go on a solo holiday with someone who mainly caters for couples. I will definitely book the trip if and when it is on offer.


'JanBeth' wrote:


I was just wondering if there is any chance in the future that you might add Borneo (and the orangutans) to your wonderful list of holidays?


Jan :)

Good idea, I would love to go.

I would love to go, count me in as well

I went on a trip to Borneo with Just You about 5-6 years ago. It was great and it was a good sized group so I was surprised when the holiday got dropped from the brochure.

I definitely think Just You should offer this holiday again and I would recommend it.

Eve .

  • (Member)
Hi folks,

Sometimes I wonder is part of the problem that JY put on too many dates for some of their holidays, especially when it is a new one? It can take time for a certain holiday to appeal to people's imaginations and if more people put up testamonials it could encourage others to book a holiday they mightn't do otherwise. Solo's, for example, often only have one or two dates for many of their tours. I'm sure it's a hard call for them to make, but just a thought for the powers that be....


Peter Jersey
Hi Bob

You could well be right. It is like letting a a kiddie loose in a sweet shop. Spoilt for choice and doesn't know where to go for the next treat. All these threads for this holiday suggest that there is a market for it. If JY put up 3 dates for 2013 I think that they would all run. No problem. They can always cancel the dates if there is very little take up.


Chloesonic :)
Hi there,

oh yes i saw that holiday in Travelsphere and it looks amazing and wish JY would do it as well Id definetly go. Chloe x

  • (Member)
It's on my list of places I want to visit, so I hope is does reappear soon
  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

'Avocet64' wrote:

When I first started holidays with JY Borneo was in the brochure and was on my list of places to go then it disappeared before I could book it, whether it was through lack of interest or something else I don't know. Maybe JY should look at other holidays that have long gone, they might find with new customers coming along all the time they will regain interest on some of them.

I couldn't agree more, please JY look into it - just because bookings might have been low for a particular tour a few years ago doesn't mean they would be again!

Best wishes,


I agree with all the requests above. Count me in, so PLEASE run this holiday.


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