  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone, haven't seen the change of itinerary yet, just wondered if anyone knows anymore, and if so are they still going ahead with this holiday.

Mel P
  • (Member)
'sim1' wrote:

Hi everyone, haven't seen the change of itinerary yet, just wondered if anyone knows anymore, and if so are they still going ahead with this holiday.

Hello there.

I am not on this trip but I suggest that you ask Olly. He is always very helpful. Regards. Mel

  • (Member)
Hi Sim1

I didn't know there had been a change in itinerary - no-one has contacted me from JY. Just wondering how you found out. I've already had my Canyons and Parks holiday cancelled in late September due to low numbers.


  • (Member)
hi sim1&gill.i recieved a phone call from just you on the 13th about this trip.i have cancelled due to the fact that some of the excursions are now been done by coach not the boat.
  • (Member)
Hi, I received a call from JY also new itinery yesterday.A bit disappointing but I am still going on the trip.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I was informed by phone and then post, with changes.

Holiday is now more floating hotel with mini cruise from dock to dock.

Not totally what I booked but what the heck its a holiday, these changes could improve the trip, who knows, always like a crisis to spice a holiday, (as long as no one gets hurt) makes a story to bore your friends with.

Decided I was still going as parking, insurance etc where paid for and holiday dates from work are to late to change.

Will meet all you venitian travellers who are left on the 1st july
